Chapter 7 A small Q&A from your Authors!!!!!!

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Note: This was just something funny my friend and I wrote after talking about funny scenario's  with the characters and OC's... I crack up every time I read through it!!!


1000Anime: Hi everyone! Welcome to Wandering Soul, written by yours truly and my Great Friend here, Autobot Guardian!!!!!!!! Say hi!!!

AG: Hi, guys!!

1000Anime: Oh my gosh, this story has to be the greatest story I've ever written (even if it's a joint effort), and I've tried to write tons of stories and certainly read a few. But this takes the cake! This chapter is not about the characters sadly though. Nope, we thought it would be nice to ask the characters, the two OC's included, about what they think of it so far! So, who should we ask first?

AG: How about Death the Kid? He's probably got a lot to say!

1000Anime: Good idea. Kid! Get your asymmetrical butt down here!!!!!

Kid: .............Please don't mention the hair......

1000Anime: Sorry Kid. Couldn't help myself.... So how do you like Wandering Soul so far?

Kid: It is fairly well written. You two have done a good job so far... but why am I being paired with a symmetrical girl like Lorranna?

1000Anime: Miss Guardian? Comments?

AG: Well, Kid, since Lorranna is really one of my OC's, I get a say in who she's attracted to. This won't carry on into the actual storyline as of yet, but she's actually attracted to you because of your strength and your caring nature. Also, that scene at the fountain? I'm surprised you made that move... Romeo.

1000Anime: Lol yup!!!!

Kid: Well I... I.... At that moment I was moved by her story about her mother so....... I have no idea what came over me...

AG: Sure you don't... and sadly, Dearest Daddy Death came and spoiled the moment...

1000Anime: *Laughing in the background thinking of the scene I wrote* and speaking of Death, I think everyone wants to know what he thinks. Oh Death!!!!

Death: You rang?

1000Anime: Wanna say a few words about Wandering Soul?

Death: Alright. Well, I must say that it's fairly written, and I'm actually looking forward to see how it'll end... When I was reading chapter Five, I had been surprised to hear that my son had brought a new student to the Academy, so when Stein told me that my son had asked that same girl to a 'study session' at the fountain, I decided to go see what would happen.

1000Anime: and?.....

Death: While I admit to have  listened on their little talk, and I was truly moved by Lorranna's story. I was also a little surprised to see Kid so close to a girl who was not his weapons.... My little boy is growing up so much!!!!! 

1000Anime: Ok... seeing how that's over... Autobot Guardian, who should we talk to next?

AG: How about Professor Stein himself? I've been wondering what was going on in that head of his...

1000Anime: Bold question, but here we go!!! Come on over you loveable crazy scientist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stein: I've been here the entire time before you said anything... what is it?

1000Anime: Jeepers Creepers man....*turns to AG* Help?

AG: Well, Stein, I was wondering, what are you thinking every time you see Lorranna? You always get all weird... well, weirder than usual *1000Anime snickers a little at this*... when you're around her. Why is that?

Stein: Well... for a girl her age, Lorranna is very strong and her intelligence can only match my own. If I wasn't a teacher for the Academy right now, I'd dissect her and find out why.... That and she's a lot more interesting than the usual slobbering brats I teach all day.

AG: I don't think you'll be wanting to dissect her when this series is through, Stein...

Stein: And why not?

AG: ......Hey, 1000Anime, this stuff we tell them here doesn't go into the actual story, right?

1000Anime: *eyes widen in thought, and just kicks Stein out.* MOVING ON!!!!!!! Next?

AG: How about Black Star?

Black Star: YAHOO!!!! Black Star in the house!!!!!! What is it? Want my autograph?!!

1000Anime: No Black Star.... We don't.... We wanted to ask you what you thought of the story so far.

Black Star: The story?! I don't read a whole lot (Kid: No shock there), but from what I heard, it's really cool since it has me in it a lot!!!!!!

AG: And what do you think of Lorranna?

Black Star: That girl?! She's scary as ****!!!!!!! Not only is she strong, but she fought toe-to-toe with Stein, and that guy is strong as hell!!!!!!!

AG: She also threatened to repeat that incident, except it would be YOUR face she slammed into the ground instead of his...

Black Star: EXACTLY!!!!!!!! I like being the star, but I'm never messing with her again!!!!!!!

1000Anime: Thanks Black Star, you can go now. *turns to AG again (this is becoming a habit...) Anyone else want to take a whack at it?

Lorranna: Actually, do you have any questions for me?

1000Anime: Of course!!!! Couldn't forget you!!!!! What do you want to say about the story?

Lorranna: Well, for one, I'm surprised that I haven't figured Stein out yet... I can figure out 1000 piece puzzles in under an hour, but I still don't know why he's so familiar to me! Also, I still haven't found my father, and I've already managed to embarrass myself in front of Lord Death...

1000Anime: Don't worry girl, things will work themselves out soon enough... have patience. That's what people always tell me.

AG: Is that it for the Q&A?

1000Anime: yeah...... time on my clock says 10:11, and I've got school tomorrow. Let's finish this later. Over and out!

AG: Same here. Let's do more tomorrow, and for tonight, I'm going to have the same scene playing in my head over and over again... Again.

1000Anime: lol. Goodnight everyone and have a great day/night!!!!!!!!!

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