Chapter 5 Person of Interest! What is this Feeling?

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Note: I've been thinking of this chapter for a few days as kind've a prayer that this semester of college goes well for me, so keep loving me and read this awesome story I wrote with a good friend of mine. Also.... DOES IT KILL YOU GUYS TO NOT COMMENT? I'm just asking, and It'd be nice to see what you think. 


Life at DWMA was starting to become a routine for Lorranna, and that was alright with her. For once in her life, she had a normal day where she could relax and hang out with her new friends and Kid. Poppy was somewhere in the school; possibly stealing food from the lounge again or the cafeteria. What a kid.

And speaking of kids, he had asked her earlier during Meister class if she wanted to hang out afterwards, to which she said yes. And no matter what Poppy said, IT WAS NOT A DATE!!!!!!


Kid didn't care what Liz and Patty said, IT WAS NOT A DATE!!!!! Sure he had asked Lorranna to spend school time studying for Meister class by the fountain. He had chosen that spot because it was calmer than the rest of the school and the fountain made the spot perfectly symmetrical. Yes. That was the reason. Not a date......


"So what is the connection of a Meister and Weapon called?" asked Kid as he used a review sheet for the test.

"That's pretty easy," Lorranna said, "It's the Soul Resonance. It bounces the soul wavelength power back and forth between Meister and Weapon, amplifying it every time its sent."

"Just making sure you know alright. Tests admitted by Professor Stein can be harsh and unpredictable.... And so asymmetrical...." Kid said, the last part being almost unhearable.

But Lorranna heard him, growing a bit distant hearing Stein's name. Noticing her discomfort, Kid shortly quieted. "Is something bothering you?

"No, it's just..." Lorranna said quietly, her brow drawing closer together, "I just think... I know him, somehow... I can't really explain it, but for some reason, I feel like I should know who he is..."

Kid's own brow also drew together at her explanation. "Lorranna, how can that be possible? You didn't meet him until recently."

Looking to him, Lorranna drew herself together before talking to him, as if about to tell him a deep secret. "Kid... can I tell you something?"


Looking down into her folded hands, Lorranna spoke with a darkened, and sad, expression, "Growing up as a child, I never knew my father. He was a constant mystery in my life. Sure my mother told me stories about him after I stopped believing I came from a pumpkin patch, but she never told me the whole story, like what his name was or what he looked like. She even got mad at me once for asking if he had abandoned us! And shortly before I had met you, she died in a horrible accident.." at this Kid's eyes widened in shock. "According to the police report, the house had caught fire by accident because of a short circuit caused a spark to ignite a curtain, and quickly spread across the house. Luckily I made it out a window, but a burning beam fell on my mother and...."

Before she could finish, a pair of arms pulled her to him, her face buried in Kid's chest. "You don't have to say any more Lorranna....I understand..." whispered Kid as he held her tightly. His breathing was off as if he were about to cry, and his heart was beating fast under her hand like it was about to burst from his chest.

'Was this what it felt like to be..... No. Lorranna didn't want to think that. Why would Kid feel that for her? They were friends... right?'

What she didn't know was that Kid was thinking the exact same thing himself....

"My my my. I didn't know you kids were at that level yet...." said an obnoxious voice... that sounded familiar...

"Father?! What are you doing here?!" exclaimed Kid. His father? Then that voice was.....

"Lord Death?! What are you doing here?!" Lorranna managed to yell out, jumping from where she had sat with Kid a moment before.

The childish and cartoon figure of Lord Death stood a few feet away from them, his large hands behind his back.

"Oh I was just taking a stroll through the school when I saw you two sitting by the fountain. What'cha doin'?" Death asked in an almost innocent manner.

"Lorranna and I were just studying for a test we will have next week." Kid replied.

"Studying... Is that what they're calling it now? Huhh...."

"Yes it is- I mean we were! Sorry Death, Kid, but I gotta go! Promised Maka and Soul that I'd help them study too! Later" And with that, Lorranna sped off, not looking back while her hair was possibly hiding her bright, blushing face.


"FATHER! WHAT IN THE NAME OF HELL WERE YOU THINKING, SNEAKING UP ON US LIKE THAT?!" Kid yelled at his father. Why had his father hid like a peeping tom while he and Lorranna were studying?!

"My my Kid, I didn't mean to get you all flustered. It's just I can't remember the last time you spent this much attention on a girl that were not your weapons. I was just curious....." Death replied, placating for his son to calm down, a small sly smile hiding behind his large hands at the outburst his son was giving him.

Oh how cute his son was when he was trying to hide his feelings for a girl when he hadn't figured it out yet......

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