Chapter 8 Super Written Exam! Kid learns the truth?!

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Everyone walked out of the classroom after Professor Stein reminded them that the Super Written Exam was in three days... and Kid and Lorranna were already making plans.

"So, want to study together again?" the blonde asked, and Kid couldn't help smiling. Thankfully the last incident with his father hadn't scared her off.

"Of course, Lorranna," he said, adding, "Same place as last time?"

"Sure! I'll go get my books; I'll meet you there!" Lorranna ran off, and Kid continued to walk at a leisurely pace towards the fountain. On the way there, thoughts of the last time the two sat at the fountain were running through his head.

What is this feeling he gets whenever he's around Lorranna? And why did he feel so embarrassed when his father interrupted them?

"Kid and Lorranna, sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!" an overly-chipper voice sang out, causing him to glare at the culprit. Of course, it was Poppy, Lorranna's partner.

"What do you mean by that, Poppy?" Kid asked the red-haired girl.

"You know what I mean Kid" Poppy said, sounding awfully mature despite the childish grin that stretched across her face, "You really like Lorranna, and not as friends. Don't worry, I already started shipping you two in my diary."

Kid let out a deep sigh. For some reason, Poppy kind've reminded him of his two weapons at the same time; way to cheerful like Patty, but somewhat mature like Liz. It was very disturbing to think about.

"Whatever. Lorranna and I have studying to do." and with that, Kid walked off towards the fountain, just as Lorranna came back with her books.

"Hey, Kid!" the blonde called out happily, hurrying over to him. She sat down next to him, pulling out some of her books. "So, let's go over the material that the Professor gave us!"

"Sure," Kid replied. The two spent the rest of the afternoon studying for their test; Kid only looking over at Lorranna a few times during their session together.

"Hey Lorranna?" Kid asked in an uncharacteristically timid voice.

"Yeah Kid?" Lorranna replied.

"We've known each other for a while now, but I don't think you've ever told me exactly who you were looking for..." he said tentatively, and Lorranna got a misty-eyed look on her face.

"Well... I told you how my mother... died, right?" she asked, and Kid nodded, "Well, I've actually been looking for my father... I never really knew him, but he's the only family I have left..."

"I'm sorry I brought it up..." Kid said softly, but to his surprise, Lorranna continued talking.

"I... I don't remember much about him... I remember just barely more than any other baby would of their parents if they were separated from them early on. I can remember what he smelled like, and holding his hand and touching his face..." she sighed, looking up at the darkening sky, "I have one fuzzy memory of him... I was in a crib in what I think was his office... he was worrying over his paperwork, and I remember him talking to me and to himself.  Like any baby, I was laughing at him, and I was so happy that he was there..."

Kid nodded silently as Lorranna spoke, taking in what she had said. "From what you told me, that's not much to go on looking for your father."
"I know," Lorranna said softly. Looking back over at the boy, she replied again, "I also kinda remember what his soul felt like," at this Kid's eyes widened again tremendously. No child should be able to do that at such a young age, "and it was very warm and strong, and it could wrap me up, kind of like a safety blanket."

As Lorranna spoke of her father that she didn't remember, and looking at her, for some reason Professor Stein came to his mind. But why would that be?
So the day of the test came, and everyone was obviously nervous about it.

"Hey stranger. Mind if I sit next to you?" Kid heard a voice next to him, instantly recognizing it as Lorranna's.

"Sure" he replied.

"Alright class, settle down. This test will be worth a lot of points, so don't screw this up," Stein's voice echoed across the room, even as everyone was talking.

Kid was about to start his test when he noticed Lorranna pulling out a pair of round, reading glasses from her pocket. They suited her very well, even if they had eerily similar patchwork designs on them......

Wait, what?

For a few seconds, Kid looked from her, to the Professor, and back again, his eyes widening. The similarities... now that he thought of it, and with her glasses on, he could see that she DID look vaguely like the creepy old Professor... The eyes especially were eerily alike...

Could it be...that Stein was Lorranna's... long-lost father? It was slightly possible. Things between them could certainly be explained if that was the case. And there were too many similarities when you thought about it.

The moment that thought entered Kid's mind, he remembered how he watched Lorranna beat Stein up through his father's mirror, and couldn't help but smile. If Stein really was her father, then they would be in for a big surprise if they ever figured it out.

To think... she beat her own father's face into the ground when they first met each other...

He would never let Stein live that one down if he was her father. And he had a feeling neither would his father or Death Scythe, Maka's father.
After the test was over, Kid saw Lorranna take off her strange glasses and slip them into an inconspicuous pocket in her ninja-like outfit, no sign of them being there once they were in.

"So, Lorranna..." he said hesitantly, gaining her attention, "What do you want to do now that the test is over?"

"How about we have a party?" Lorranna asked, smiling. "Maka and Soul invited us all to their place to celebrate!"

Kid smiled, his gold eyes shining.

"That sounds nice... Let's go."

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