Chapter 12 The Black-blood Swordsman, Crona (and yes he's a boy...)

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A/N: Once again, I let myself fall short of my promised chapter updates, but my life is, well... coming to a point where I have to painfully purge everything anime from my mind, body and soul. 

Too many times, I have let my grades fall short of what is expected of me too many times, and for that, I had to make a pact with my parents to YEET Anime/Manga from my life... and it's gonna be painful as Hell... but I also want to fulfill my promise to you that I would update this story and my other stories until I say they're  finished. So. Yeah. Just read.


Finally, Stein had agreed to go to the meeting, only walking out the door when Kid promised that he'd watch over Lorranna for him, and tiredly followed the others to the Death Room. Lord Death was pretty surprised to see that they had managed to get Stein away from his daughter, and with no casualties at that!

"Well, now that we're all finally here, let's begin the meeting! Now, Stein, can you answer any questions the others have regarding the Kishin's Madness Wavelengths?"

"Yes," Stein replied, adjusting his glasses.

"What exactly are they?" Azusa asked, adding, "Are they comparable to the Kishin's soul wavelengths?"

"Yes," Stein repeated, exhaustion clear in his voice and posture. "But these are on a godly level. Everyone has at least a little madness inside of them... I myself am no exception."

Spirit's eyes narrowed, remembering Stein's strange obsession with dissection, as well as his crazed anger at Medusa when Lorranna was wounded... that combination did not bode well.

"These wavelengths affect the natural madness in people's souls, magnifying it, and then," Stein continued, then with a small smile, "The madness spreads like a disease."

He went on to explain how he was able to feel it the instant the Kishin was released, and after some more debates with the others, the meeting was adjourned... and Stein was instantly dragged to a bed by Azusa, saying the bags under his eyes were too dark. 

After all, he looked like a corpse warmed-over from lack of sleep.


Crona couldn't decide what was worse: being led around this large school by a beautiful woman, or how everyone was staring at him. Both were making him nervous and he didn't like being nervous.

"And here is our infirmary!!! Professor Stein's office is here and does most of the helping out, but I don't see-" Marie explained, only to be interrupted as Azusa's voice suddenly came from behind them.

"...And you're going to get a full night's sleep! Not just an hour or two like you probably have been, but an entire 8 hours! Kid can take care of Lorranna for you, and when HE needs a break, I'm sure everyone else will volunteer their own hours!" said Azusa as she appeared, dragging Stein behind her like a petulant child.

"You can't make me." Stein said back in a tired, but firm voice.

"Oh yes I can! And if I see you out of that bed, I will tie you to it!!" she barked back, adjusting her glasses in a warning manner.

"Kinky.... I didn't know Miss Prim and Proper was into that sort of stuff....." Stein said snarkily as he sat on a spare bed.

"This is not a joke, Stein," Azusa said sternly, pushing his chest to force him to lay down, "You're obviously exhausted, and you need your rest." Then, she allowed a small smile, "Besides, how do you think Lorranna would feel if she found out that you were neglecting your own health in favor of hers?"

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