I Hope You Guys Are Okay

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Namjoon groaned at the sunlight making contact with his face and rolled over in the grass. Namjoon quickly came to his senses and jumped up, wondering three things: how the hell did I get outside, where the hell is am I, where the hell are the others?

Namjoon looked around cautiously. Namjoon only remembered up to finding Taehyung, the green smoke filling the room, passing out, and...the mask. That masked figure. The mask...

Before Namjoon could dwell on it longer, a video of sorts appeared on a small screen embedded in a tree next to him. A masked figure was in frame, however this mask was different. It was the mask with the black tear that Jin had told him of. So, it was the same kidnapper.

"Welcome to Forgotten. A game where you will be tested on wit, ability, and friendship. You will each be presented with four choices. Once one is picked, you are no longer permitted to pick it, so choose quickly and carefully," the figure declared in a distorted voice.

A key, a small tablet, an umbrella, and a glass shard from what he assumed to be a mirror. Namjoon didn't know the relevance these objects had to this "game", but he opted for the tablet. The rest of the objects disappeared and the tablet turned on by itself. Namjoon was hesitant, but he decided to see what information this tablet held.

Namjoon wanted to try and find a way to escape, but he had no idea where he was and, if he wanted to get anything down, he knew he had to find the others first. He opened a blinking app and was confused as to what he found for only a moment.

Namjoon sighed in relief when he discovered it was a map of the "arena" with three heat signatures that he could only hope were his friend's. Namjoon decided to head towards the closest heat signature. He could only hope the others were okay.

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