Only Six Left

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The wound of Jungkook's death was still fresh. The sight of his youngest friend's corpse would never leave Jin's mind. The image would forever be burned beneath Jin's eyelids. He wanted to curl up and fall apart, just like Jimin, but they still had to get out of the game. So, Jin gripped Jimin's arm tighter and kept pulling with the rest of his friends.

It was a slow and solemn trip out of the newly formed cavern. Jimin had stopped fighting a long time ago but dragging dead weight uphill was not a walk in the park either. Jin turned and made eye contact with Namjoon.

"Maybe you guys should let Hobi and me carry Jimin," Namjoon suggested. "You're both still recovering and we haven't really had to face much yet."

Jin wanted to argue that he could help but he knew he wouldn't be able to do much in his position. Jin reluctantly relinquished his grip. Yoongi was more than eager to take as much of break as one can get when they are walking uphill. Namjoon and Hoseok each took one of Jimin's arms.

It took a while but they made it out. Jimin actually started using his feet which definitely sped up the process, even if he still maintained his blank expression. The tears had long dried but the tracks were still present, making lines of pale skin on an otherwise dirt-covered face.

They all came to an unspoken agreement to sit in the grass outside of the cavern. Jimin stared into oblivion and Hoseok was actually starting to become worried that he would remain unfocused. Hoseok wished more than anything that they could all be given time to process their trauma, but the game master was not having it.

They jumped as a screen whirred to life. Yoongi was ready to prevent Jimin from lashing out and smashing the screen, but Jimin didn't move. Jimin gave no sign to indicate that he even heard the loud static. Not even a twitch of surprise. Emotionless. Empty. If anything, it was worse than the rage.

"Well, that was quite eventful."

Pure, unadulterated hatred for the masked figure filled every single one of them. They could only watch as he cackled on the screen. He was amused by this. The game master took pleasure from this.

"It has come to my attention," the game master continued, "that you all have taken quite the beating today. I'll take pity on you and offer you these as something to keep you going long enough to play."

A nearby tree spit open and revealed six entirely black outfits. Six. A reminder of their failure. They were gorgeous but didn't look like they would be all that practical. Perhaps that would be proven wrong once they wore them.

"These don't look like they'll help much with our challenges," Namjoon trailed off.

"Well, it's either that or your torn up, filthy clothes. Think of it as part pity and part punishment."

They all fell silent and stared at the outfits. They didn't want the game master's pity, they wanted out of this psychotic game. Nobody moved for a moment. The others looked on in surprise as Jimin finally moved.

Jimin slowly made his way over to the tree and grabbed the outfit that looked closet to his size. He disappeared behind a few trees, emerging a few moments later. He was dressed in black from head to toe with a seemingly leather corset wrapped around his waist.

"Not comfortable, but fitting for the occasion, is it not? Black, the color of mourning." The masked figure mocked.

The others took turns joining Jimin in the hauntingly beautiful clothes. Soon they were all cascaded in the color of mourning. Fitting, but painful. The corset dug into Jimin's waist, a sharp reminder of what had taken place only moments ago. The only outfit left resembled Jimin's and the fact that it would have been Jungkook's made the corset feel tighter.

"Only six left," the game master mused. "Who will you fail next?"

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