What Kind of Challenge is This?

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A flock of birds swooped down and began to attack Jimin. Sharp bursts of pain scattered around his body as dark beaks began pecking away at his skin. Jimin covered his face and rushed towards his friends.

The others still seemed to be calling out for him in distress. They tried to break the barrier but nothing worked. They settled for screaming words that feel upon unhearing ears and gesturing for him to hurry.

Jimin raced across the field, new cuts forming with every bird that flew at him. The birds screeched at him and Jimin responded with cries of pain. He swung at the crows as he ran, desperate to get some relief from the constant stinging. Small trails of blood stemmed from every open wound left on his body.

Jimin nearly cried when he finally reached the barrier but let out a strangled wail when the barrier wouldn't let him through. The others began pounding on the wall again. Jimin sank to the floor and curled in on himself. The birds went rampant but he tried to ignore them.

He winced as the grass blades pinched his skin, irritating the cuts more. Jimin closed his eyes and covered his ears as if that would make his attackers go away. He begged for the crows to stop. Tears began to steam down his face.

What kind of challenge was this? Jimin thought to himself.

He cracked an eye open to see Jin knocking on the barrier. Jin smiled slightly at him, in an attempt to give him encouragement, but the worry in his eyes was still visible. It was bizarre to see Jin smile these days and in any other scenario, Jimin might have felt joy. Now he just felt hopeless and broken, as if nothing could ever be even remotely okay again. Too much had happened. Jimin managed to make out Jin's muffled voice through the sound of wings flapping, providing futile reassurance.

A black feather fell onto the ground in front of him. Jimin squeezed his eyes shut once more.

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