Which One?

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Namjoon was working himself into a panicked state. The previous challenges had been difficult and life-threatening sure, but this? This put the lives of two of his closest friends in his hands. It was bad enough they lost their youngest, Namjoon couldn't handle loosing anyone else never mind being the one responsible for it.

Namjoon wanted more than anything to be home with his friends for their weekly movie nights, all of them safe and together. All of them alive. Yet there he was, one friend in the grave and the possibility of another joining real soon if Namjoon gave Jin or Hoseok the wrong chalice.

All of the drinks were an unnerving shade of green, the color Namjoon imagined a green apple flavored juice would be. He severely doubted any of the drinks were green apple flavored. One them was deadly, that Namjoon knew. Unless they all were. He wouldn't put such a trick past the game master and then he would be down two more friends.

He wasn't given much to work with. The three chalices were spread out before him and that was all. He couldn't base his decision off of a guess. Namjoon was half tempted to taste test and pass out the drinks based on if they tasted off or not. Still, the poison could be tasteless and that wouldn't do any of them any good.

Three chalices, two people, one killer drink. It almost sounded like a fairly decent Friday night if the "killer" bit wasn't so literal.

Namjoon could do nothing but the game master had made it very clear that they had to complete the challenge or all three of them would meet an untimely end. So no, doing nothing was out of the question.

What the hell was he supposed to do?

Jin and Hoseok both encouraged him, attempting to show their trust in his ability to keep them alive but even they could see that Namjoon was clueless. And Namjoon hated being clueless. He looked into the fearful eyes of his friends. He made his decision.

With a deep breath, Namjoon picked up the chalice to the far right and took a sip.

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