Chapter 14

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The next night, Alec took his courage in both hands and dialed Jason's number. Jason had called him so many times these past few days that he had no trouble finding his number. Alec waited. A ring. Two rings.

"Alec? Is that you?" 

"Are you free on Saturday?" 

Alec didn't want to linger, he preferred to get straight to the point. 

"Uh yes, surely, why?" Jason replied. 

 "I'm organizing a party. 20 pm, at my place. If you want to come, you can. But it's not for the reasons you're thinking. 

"Since when do you organize parties?" 

Jason looked really stunned. He knew that Alec wasn't the type to organize parties. On the contrary, Alec had always found excuses to avoid them. Plus, he thought it was odd that Alec called him back after all he had told him. But hey, he was not going to complain about it.

"Stop asking questions. Will you come or not?" 

Jason, on the other end of the line, couldn't help but smile. He wasn't going to miss an opportunity to see Alec. And he was planning to enjoy it.

"Well ... it's okay." 

"Good, see you Saturday." 

And he hung up, without adding nothing. At that moment, Isabelle entered the kitchen. 

"I called him," he said. "He told me he would come." 

"I still think it's a very bad idea, Alec ..." 

"There is only one way to make him understand things. At least, it will make him realize that he has no chance with me." 

"And do you even think about Magnus in all this? Don't you have the impression of ... 

"Of what?"

"Using him," replied Isabelle.

Alec frowned.

"How can you think that? I'm happy with Magnus, you know that very well. And I intend to show it to Jason." 

Isabelle breathed a sigh of defeat. 

"Alright, alright! And did you tell Magnus about the party?"

"No, but I see him tomorrow night. I go at his place after classes." 

"And don't forget to tell him about Jason!" 

"I'll do it, don't worry." 

In fact, Alec was really worried. He knew he needed to talk about Jason to Magnus as soon as possible. Also, he thought back to his "plan". He was sure it was going to drive Jason away for good. He would finally have peace, and he could be with Magnus, quietly.


The next day after classes, Alec went straight to Magnus, as planned. The prospect of an evening with him filled Alec with an indefinable joy. He was never so happy as in his presence. 

When he arrived, Alec used the keys that Magnus gave him. Hearing the door open, Alec heard Magnus's voice in the distance. 


"Yes, it's me!" 

Magnus appeared, and kissed Alec tenderly. 

"I missed you," he said.

"I missed you too," Alec replied, blushing slightly. 

"You're starting again," laughed Magnus. 


"You are blushing."

Alec pretended to be offended. 

"Don't start again with that!"

"You're blushing, I said what I said !"

Magnus moved closer to Alec and kissed him again. Alec suddenly took Magnus in his arms and squeezed him tightly. He didn't want to let him go. He was so afraid of losing him. 

"Alec, are you sure you're ok?" Magnus said, a little worried. 

"Yes, I just really missed you." 

Magnus smiled, then Alec released him. They went to sit on the couch. Alec finally decided to talk about the party. 

"Hum, Magnus?" 


"Are you free next Saturday?" 

"Yeah, I think so, why?" 

"I'm organizing a party and ..."

Magnus giggled. "You? Alexander Lightwood? You organize a party?" 

Alec couldn't help but think that Magnus was the second person to tell him that. And at Jason's thought, he felt uncomfortable. 

"Magnus, I'm serious. I thought that it might be relaxing... And I have not had any parties since Izzy's birthday. Will you be there?" 

Magnus wrapped his arms around Alec's neck. 

"Wherever you are, I'll be there," he replied. 

Alec gathered all his courage, and by the time he was going to talk about Jason, the phone rang. Magnus reluctantly detached himself from Alec. 

"Excuse me," Magnus said. "I'll come back in a minute." 

Alec gave him a short smile. He had again missed an opportunity to tell Magnus everything. And that didn't reassure him at all.

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