Chapter 29

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Three weeks later

Alec, Isabelle, Simon, Clary and Jace arrived in front of Magnus's university. Magnus had asked them to join them directly there because he had to go there a little earlier to receive his diploma. As for the others, they all got theirs and now they really wanted to enjoy themselves. Even Alec.

The boys had put on white shirt and trouser, and the girls had each put on a dress: red for Isabelle and pale pink for Clary.

Alec was stressed but he was reassured by the presence of his sister and his friends. They were all standing in front of the university now, ready to enter.

"Lets' go!" exclaimed Isabelle, enthusiastic.

She advanced first and the others followed her. They entered and were told the university hall reserved for the evenings. They went through the door and stood on the threshold for a moment, not knowing what to do. They looked at the room, already full of people. Buffets were arranged against the walls, and music came out of the speakers. There seemed to be a good atmosphere, everyone seemed to have fun. Alec, however, began to feel bad. At this moment, a voice took him out of his thoughts.


To Alec's relief, it was Magnus. He was accompanied by Ragnor and a girl he didn't know. He frowned.

Magnus came over to them, a big smile on his face and kissed Alec. He was dressed in a beautiful suit: an electric blue shirt and a black glitter jacket and black pants. 100% Magnus, Alec thought with a small smile.

"Ah, you've all come!" exclaimed Magnus. "Enter, do not stay on the threshold."

And that's what they hastened to do. They followed Magnus, Ragnor and the girl into the room, trying not to jostle everyone in their path. Alec didn't think there would be so many people. Arrived in a corner of the room where there were few people, Magnus turned to them with a big smile.

"I just realize that I didn't introduce all of you! Alec, you know him already, but Izzy, Simon, Clary and Jace, here is Ragnor, my best friend.

Magnus then pointed to the girl next to him.

'And here is Catarina, my other best friend, who is also going to the same university as Ragnor and me."

Ragnor shook hands with everyone, even Alec. Alec no longer felt angry with Ragnor. He thought he could even find him nice.

As for Catarina, she hugged everyone. Approaching Alec last, she took him by the shoulders:

"So, you are the chosen one of Magnus' heart, are you?"

"Uh ..." Alec replied, clearly embarrassed. "Well we're dating."

Magnus approached them.

"Catarina, leave him alone," he said, laughing.

Catarina let go of Alec, then she slipped into Magnus's ear, so that only he heard him: "He's very cute." Magnus smiled at her and she gave him a wink. Then she went to join Ragnor who was chatting with Izzy, Simon, Jace and Clary, leaving Magnus and Alec alone.

"Come on," said Magnus, taking Alec's hand.

"But what about the others?" Alec asked, glancing at their friends behind them.

"They will survive without us a few moments! Come on."

Alec let himself be dragged by Magnus who directed him to a large bay window at the other end of the room and that Alec hadn't noticed. Magnus opened the door to the bay window, which overlooked a large terrace. Some people were there, to get some fresh air. It was there that Alec realized that it was very hot in the room. He untied the first button of his shirt, which squeezes him a little. Magnus touched Alec's shirt collar.

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