Chapter 25

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5 days later

Alec walked out of the university and smiled when he saw who was waiting for him. Magnus. They had planned to see each other and spend the rest of the afternoon and evening together to relax after Jason's trial. All of that was now behind them.

Alec stepped towards Magnus and kissed him gently.

"How are you?" Alec asked him.

"Better, now that I'm with you."

Alec smiled and blushed slightly. He could never get used to Magnus's compliments. Also, he couldn't imagine that he was impacting Magnus' life to that extent. He always thought that the day he would be in a relationship, he would love more than he would be loved. But with Magnus, it's not that at all: they completed each other perfectly, as if they have been destined to meet. Alec had gained confidence with Magnus. He knew Magnus was doing him good. If Alec positively impacted Magnus' life, Magnus did the same for him.

"Alec, are you listening to me?"

Alec was lost in his thoughts and didn't hear Magnus's question.

"Yes? What is it?"

"I was asking you what you wanted us to do ... but you seem lost in your thoughts ..."

"It's nothing Magnus, I assure you."

"Alec, the last time you told me everything was fine, your ex was harassing you. So excuse me if I worry a little."

Alec stopped walking. Was Magnus angry with him? Or was he just worried?

"Are you angry?"

"No, Alexander. But I worry. All those times when you told me you were fine when it was not the case come back to my mind, and I feel guilty for not seeing anything. So, when I see you again in that state, as if you were elsewhere, I can't help thinking that something is wrong again."

"Magnus, I'm sorry. Yes, I was lost in my thoughts but it was because ... because I was thinking about us."

"Us? What do you mean?"

Magnus's voice sounded worried.

"I was thinking that you make me so happy. And that I can't believe I have someone like you in my life."

Magnus relaxed instantly and interlaced his fingers with Alec's.

"You have to know that the feeling is mutual," he told him.

They continued to walk hand in hand, Magnus, relieved; and Alec, relaxed.

"And," said Magnus, "you haven't answered my question yet.

Alec chuckled.

"Yes sorry. So, I propose to you that we go to your place. This is where I feel best anyway."

"Is that true?"

"Obviously. I assure you Magnus, I adore my home. But at your place, I know I can be myself, I have nothing to hide and ... I'm with you. How could I not love being at your place?"

Magnus was stunned. Never did anyone tell him things like Alec did. Alec had a way of making him feel things that Magnus never thought he could feel. Alec was really different. And he liked that.

"Magnus? Why don't you say anything?"

Alec's voice pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Because no one has ever loved me as you love me. All the little things you say to me warm my heart and prove me that you are an extraordinary person. And that I'm lucky to have you by my side."

It was Alec's turn to be stunned.

"Magnus, it's me who is lucky to have you."

As they spoke, they had arrived in front of Magnus's house. Before entering, Magnus grabbed Alec's arm and pressed him against him. He put his arms around his neck and kissed him, as he had never kissed before. Alec moved closer to him to give him back his kiss. Then they pulled away from each other and Magnus put his hands on Alec's cheeks.

"Do you realize all that happened since our first meeting? Magnus murmured softly.

"I never thought my life would change so much," Alec said. "And... can I confess to you something?"

"I'm listening."

Alec smiled.

"Initially, I had not planned to stay at the Izzy's birthday. I had planned to go to a friend's place before it started."

"Why does not that surprise me?" said Magnus, laughing. "And what finally held you back?"

"Isabelle made me stay. She absolutely wanted me to be here. And since I can't resist her, I stayed."

"Then we met each other."

"And then we met each other," Alec repeated, smiling at this memory.

"It's crazy because as soon as I saw you in front of me, I knew you had something special."


"Yes, Alec. You are special. You have to realize that."

"But Magnus, I don't see how. You are special. I am commonplace. I don't even know what I did to deserve you ..."

"Alexander Lightwood, will you stop saying stupid things right now? Commonplace? COMMONPLACE? If there is something you are not, it's commonplace! You are an extraordinary person. You make me happy. And I love you. So don't repeat things like that again."

"Magnus, I love you so much."

They kissed again, then Magnus pulled away from him with a smile.

"Really, Izzy will be thanked one day for forcing you to stay at her party."

"Yes, indeed," Alec smiled.

Then they entered in Magnus's apartment to spend the rest of the evening together.


3 hours later, Magnus and Alec were watching a movie, both on the couch. Magnus had put his head on Alec's shoulder. They were focused on the movie when Alec's phone rang. Wondering who it was, he took his phone. It was Luke. He picked up immediately.

"Hello, Luke?"

He listened carefully to what Luke told him. Suddenly, his expression changed. He became nervous, and he ran his hand through his hair. Magnus sat up and looked at him worriedly. Alec ends up hanging up.

"What is happening? What did Luke say?" Magnus asked.

Alec sighed.

"You know that visitation rights are granted in prison ..."

"Yes? And?"

"Well ... Luke told me that Jason made a request for a visit. Apparently, he wants to talk to us. To both of them."



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