Chapter 16

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Alec moved back instinctively. He hadn't expected to find Jason. But now he knew where Jason had gone: he had been waiting for him all the evening in the hope that he would show up. In order to trap him. Only then did Alec realize that this party was a bad idea. He had been so obsessed with making Jason understand that he was in a relationship, that he hadn't thought for a second that it could go wrong. Then he thought back to Isabelle's words and warnings. She was right and he hadn't wanted to listen to her.

Jason stared down at him with a smile on his face. He stood up and approached Alec, but Alec recoiled and wanted to leave. But Jason had decided otherwise.

"So ...," Jason said.

Jason pretended to think. He looked up at the ceiling, as if searching for his words.

"So his name is Magnus, right?"

Alec was paralyzed. He was stuck and he didn't know how he was going to get out of this.

"What are you talking about Jason?"

"Oh, please Alec, don't act as if I was an idiot. You know perfectly what I want to talk about. Magnus. He's the person you didn't want to talk to me about. Your boyfriend."

"What Magnus has anything to do with you?"

Jason snorted.

"Did you really think that your little game was going to work? Did you really think that I wouldn't understand what you were doing?

Alec swallowed.

"I still don't see what you're talking about."

"This so-called party. You don't care about it completely. You just wanted to show me your perfect boyfriend, huh? Show how happy you are? But if you think that this will stop me, you are completely wrong."

Alec was at his worst. Jason was becoming more and more menacing. It was one thing not to give up on someone because you love him. But what Jason was doing, that was a harassment. Jason was never going to stop, no matter what Alec was doing. Alec had just understood it. Whether he had someone in his life or not, Jason didn't care. He only wanted Alec. But it was unhealthy.

Alec tried to control his voice, which he couldn't help but tremble.

"What more do I need to do for you to give up? That I hit you? That I complain?

Jason laughed again.

"You would never dare."

Alec was seething with rage. He wanted to hit him. Rage consumed him. But he restrains himself because he didn't want to attract the attention of the guests downstairs.

"But tell me Alec," Jason said. "Does Magnus know what happened between us?"

Alec clenched his teeth.

"There was NOTHING between us. You know it very well!"

"Oh stop. To me, a kiss in a park under the stars isn't nothing. Don't you agree with me?"

"Shut up."

Jason kept smiling.

"But you didn't answer my question. Does Magnus know it?"

"No. And he will never know it because it doesn't mean anything. You never represented anything for me. You are insignificant. And I will never love you. That would be nice if you understood one day."

"Then why did you kiss me in return?"

Alec almost exploded. How dare he?

"I didn't kiss you in return!!!" It was you who kissed me against my will and you know it! So stop telling bullshit! And if you remember well, I beat you. It's not really a sign of affection if you want my opinion."

Jason swept the air with his hand.

"Oh, that? You call that a beating? I hardly felt anything. Oh yeah maybe I felt one thing: you caressed my cheek. But that's all."

Jason took a tone so condescending and proud that Alec had the fists that itched.

But Jason hadn't said his last word. 

"It's strange that you hide so many things from your boyfriend," said Jason. "Either you don't have enough confidence in him, or you don't want to confess ... "

"To confess what???" 

"That you love me." 

Alec had more and more trouble keeping calm but it was out of the question to alert people downstairs. Getting rid of Jason and going back to Magnus was the only way out. 

"Shut up Jason. I have nothing to hide from Magnus because this kiss didn't mean anything. t  was against my will and besides, I don't love you!" 

"We will see," Jason said. 

And before Alec could react, before he could understand what was happening to him, Jason quickly approached him. He grabbed Alec's shirt, turned him around, and slammed it against the wall. Because of the shock, Alec couldn't move. And before he could do anything, Jason kissed him feverishly. He held him in his arms and kept him pressed against the wall. Alec tried to struggle but Jason was too strong. Alec wanted to push him away, but the more he pushed him, the more Jason would held him.Jason began to kiss him in the neck, then again on the mouth, he began to detach the first buttons of Alec's shirt. Alec struggled as best as he could, but he was completely shocked. 

"Alec? Where are you? I'm looking for you for..."

 Magnus stopped in the middle of his sentence. Alec finally succeeds in repelling Jason. He was completely shocked, his hair was in disarray, his shirt half open. When he looked up, he met Magnus' eyes, who was staring at him without understanding. His gaze went from Alec to Jason. Alec ends up talking.

"Magnus, I swear it's not what you think it is..." 

Magnus raised his hand and looked away from Alec. He was angry. No, worse than that. What Alec saw in Magnus' eyes was disgust.

"It's good. No need to spoil your saliva," Magnus said. 

"Magnus, please ..."

But before Alec could finish his sentence, Magnus walked over to Jason. Alec hadn't expected this at all. Magnus approached Jason and threw him to the ground. Then he plowed it with his fists. He hit him and knocked him without stopping. Jason let out a plaintive cry, trying to get away. In another situation, Alec could almost have been satisfied. But right now, he was just shocked. At the moment Alec returned from his stupor, decided to intervene, Magnus got up. He had his fists in blood. Jason got up with difficulty. He was covered with blood. And he escaped promptly. The first moment of shock passed, Alec approached Magnus. But Magnus pushed him away violently.

"Magnus ..." 

"I don't want to see you again. Ever. It's over." 

And he left without turning around. Alec collapsed on the floor, and put his head in his hands. His world had just collapsed. He heard footsteps again, and, naively believing it was Magnus, he raised his head. But it was Isabelle, who was panicked. 

"Alec! Alec, what happened? Why is Jason covered with blood? And why is Magnus so angry? He left by slamming the door so hard that it scared me!" 

Alec looked at his sister and he burst into tears. She sat next to him and took him in his arms.

"Isabelle ... I ruined everything."

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