Back in time part1

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Another one, Drabble and I hope this comes out well.
this is gonna be a messy one y'all...

"The hell?" Seokjin asks looking around and rubbing his head. He didn't wake up at his dorm like usual, though, this place seems oddly familiar.

He gets up hearing talking. Passing a mirror he sees himself, "I didn't take a shower last night" Seokjin mumbles before actually realizing where he was.

"I'm in my old dorm."

The one thing Seokjin was confused about was why'd he be back. They now had a much bigger dorm with extra rooms and bathrooms. He hesitates as he walks out of his room. Or what used to be his room.

"Why isn't he up yet?" Jimin asks his cheeks chubbier than usual and his hair in a coconut shape. "How the hell would I know, but what I do know is that we have practice and need to get moving someone get him" Yoongi roughs out Seokjin blinking at the sight.

"What the hell?" Seokjin asks looking over each one of his members, they looked just as they did in two thousand thirteen. "Oh jin hyung you're...up" jungkook trails off seeing the blonde hair and clothes that he sure wasn't in fashion.

"Seokjin?" Namjoon asks examining the other "you look different" he mumbles. "Yeah no shit Joon- Wait no- you look different- or the same" Seokjin stutters "What year is it?" He asked.

"Two thousand thirteen" Hoseok told Seokjin patting his pockets finding his phone. "Hold up a sec" he says calling the first person he thought of "hopefully this works" Seokjin mumbles the ring tone sounding through the room.

"Um when did you get that phone and die your hair? And get so loud?" Taehyung question's as Seokjin gets his call answered "Kim Seokjin What the hell?! Why is there a two thousand thirteen you here?!" Namjoon's voice rang surprising the members. Especially Namjoon.

"Why did I travel five years back in time? Some things you can't answer babe" Seokjin huffs looking to the other members. "Wait so everyone's there? How does this even work?" Namjoon asks himself.

"Ah he's so cute," "I forgot how skinny he was" "I forgot how shy he was" the members coo from the other line. "hey I'm c- the right now me is cute" Seokjin pouts "I wanna go back Joonie, why'd it have to be me?" Seokjin asks.

"I....I'm not sure baby but we'll try to find out...what happened... how it happened" Namjoon sighs before saying goodbye Seokjin doing the same and hanging up.

There wasn't any talking, only complete silence. Seokjin hadn't stopped looking at his phone even though it was off. All of the members had their eyes trained on the older Seokjin, and even though he was already the hyung of the group they had a slight speculation that he was a tad older than their Seokjin.

"This is confusing" Taehyung whispers as Seokjin looks up "no shit" he mumbles.

"So are we just not going to talk about how Seokjin and Namjoon.... the other Namjoon I guess, just called each other baby?" Yoongi asks as jungkook raises his hand.

"Jungkook you live here you don't have to raise your hand to talk" Namjoon sighs as Jungkook nods a tad bit "so are you like from the future?" He asks Seokjin sighs and rubs his head "I fucking guess" he mumbles.

"We still haven't talked about that 'baby' and 'babe' thing" Yoongi expressed Seokjin sighing and looking over. "We're dating...well not to the public but you guys know about it  and there's one other thing going on in the group but that's nothing official." Seokjin says nonchalantly before realizing what time zone they were in.

Believe or not most the group back in two thousand thirteen were kind of homophobic.

"D-Dating, you and I?" Namjoon asked a grossed out look decorating his face. "Don't give me that look you're the one who asked me" Seokjin teases "what? Lair." Namjoon says standing up from his place on the floor still being taller than Seokjin.

"Why would I lie? Once I go back I can have a better version of you" Seokjin smiles patting the others fluffy hair. "Damn" Yoongi whispers. "You got confident" he points out what everyone else was thinking.

"I did! It would be a waste not showing my handsome face off" Seokjin says flipping the long hair he doesn't have. "Anyway What's today's schedule? I need to get through today so I can find a way to get out of this small ass apartment" Seokjin clapped.

"We have to practice and that takes up most of-" Seokjin cuts Jimin off "what songs?" He asks of course already knowing how long practice takes.

"N.O and attack on bangtan" Jimin says as Seokjin nods "easy" he mumbles as the others stare at him stunned a bit. "But you were struggling with N.O" Jungkook points out Seokjin waving it off. "I'm not struggling with that anymore, I wonder why.... oh yeah yesterday was two thousand eighteen" Seokjin rolls his eyes before walking off.

The rest of the members look to each other before getting up and following him. "I'm so skinny" Seokjin mumbles looking at his old clothes that he could most probably still wear "did I eat?" Seokjin shakes his head.

"You do when we have food" Hoseok responds "stop telling me things I already know" Seokjin complains picking out an outfit "you guys are going to get out of somewhere better" Seokjin mumbles looking to them.

"Now eat something while I change- and don't burn down the kitchen" Seokjin shoved them off smiling at the boys. Jungkook wasn't even allowed to drink yet, he was still getting an education.

Hell Seokjin himself was still getting an education. This is crazy. And the fact that none of these boys are freaking out in front of him really says something.

He remembers how today goes, he can't get not one step correct and cries when he gets home trying to practice his heart out.

It doesn't work.

In the end Namjoon just tells him to do better and they get into a fight. Not this time. He can do better this time.

"S-Seokjin hyung? Are you ready?" The timid voice of Jimin sounds through the wooden door and Seokjin shakes his head at his outfit he's currently wearing.

"As I'll ever be" Seokjin says opening the door and smiling. " are so..." Namjoon stops himself from saying 'different'. Seokjin's body type had obviously changed from skinny and frail to... so... hot. Not saying Seokjin wasn't hot in the first place because he's really-

Namjoon shakes his head at the very gay thoughts as he claps. "Alright bangtan, let's go" namjoon says the seven boys finally escaping the small apartment.

Seokjin wonders if anyone will notice a difference. Other than the blonde hair of course.

Once they were finally at the familiar building it was time to stretch. Of course Seokjin would have also participated, but he was worried about how the time with Namjoon was going.

He called making sure the staff couldn't hear him. "Namjoonie!" Seokjin whisper yelled "wh-What? I'm eating a sandwich" Namjoon responded as Seokjin scoffed.

"You lucky that I'm not in the same...time zone as you... well I am but" Seokjin then sighs. "I miss you baby" to that namjoon chuckles "I miss you too love, the 'you' here is just so shy, and quiet. I miss you yelling at me to get my shit together." Namjoon cooed making Seokjin giggle.

"I miss yelling at you to get your shit together too baby- Ah I have to go...I have- we have, practice today." Seokjin sighed Namjoon feeling bad for the other as this was supposed to be a day off.

The bid a farewell as Seokjin hung up. "Goddamn I heard everything and now I want to puke" Yoongi mumbles as Seokjin raises an eyebrow. "Two thousand fifteen you get fucked against a wall by jungkook" Seokjin blinks leaving a stunned Yoongi.

"Let's get it" Seokjin says smiling. Long story short he didn't pretty good, no, that's an obvious understatement. He did amazing.

Both songs her remembered the choreography by heart and Seokjin himself was also kind of stunned in himself.

I'm gonna end this shit chapter, there will most likely be three parts and also maybe no smut....Jesus- I promise you the next part I publish will have smut.

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