You wish.

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"Start! Go! Now! Abracadabra!" Seokjin whines, throwing his wand to the other side of the room when he couldn't get it to work. "Maybe I don't fit in Gryffindor..." Seokjin huffed, Nothing He did worked.

The boy was young but he thought he'd have enough competence to form a simple spell. Everyone could do it so why couldn't he?

"Seokjin, sweetheart, time for your bath!" A light voice says from the hall, Seokjin bounding up and giggling. "Yes dadda! Coming!" He says running out of his room and dropping his cape to go find his father.

"Hey baby!" The black haired man grins, ruffling Seokjins naturally purple hair. "Still playing wizard?" He asked as he goes to the bathroom, his husband already getting the water ready. "It's not wizard it's Harry Potter, very different... it's special." Seokjin says as he's undressed.

"Very, But you know what's better? Getting your butt in the tub." Chuckles the other parent blonde and red hair framing his face. "We have bubbles this time ya know?" He asked, blowing some towards his son.

"Cool! Like magic."


"No more of this magic bullshit Seokjin! You're getting way to fucking old for this." The once blonde and red haired male's hair now fully brown.

"But pa! It's real! I know it's re-" Seokjin was cut off his wand and cape being thrown out the window, literally. "Daddy do something!" Seokjin sobbed looking to the black haired male with tears in his eyes.

"I think it was time for you to find something new." He whispers, reaching out to a heaving, red Seokjin who only slapped the hand away. "Fuck you guys! Fuck both of you!" He screams, running his 14 year old body back to his room.

"He shouldn't be able to talk to us like that Yoongi." The brown haired father sighs as Yoongi runs his fingers through his hair. "It's either this way or he bursts open a different way Taehyung, and we can't take chances." Yoongi says, wincing at how the door slams.

"He'll get over it." Yoongi says following Taehyung to the couch, sitting on the others lap after he plops down. "Well he fucking better." Taehyung swears under his breath leaving Yoongi scoffing. "Stop being so violent, that's why your hair isn't natural."


"Damn bitch you fine as fuck." Seokjin hears the shout as he walks by sighing as he chooses to stay on his phone. "Hey back it up! Back it up!" He hears, much closer than it should have been.

Shyly he peers over his shoulder, gulping at the flock of dick he's made. "Let me pop that cherry!" A dude says, laughing as the dudes around him congratulate him on being a dick bag.

"Turn that pussy inside ou-" Seokjin turns around rolling his eyes "I'm a whole ass dude, bro, you've been caught lacking my G." Seokjin says in the deepest voice he could pull.

The silence that rolls over them is deafening. They just stare at each other for a minute or so before one of them laughs, nudging his friends to try to get it to seem less awkward.

Seokjin can immediately smell the fragile masculinity cracking at their mistake. He stuffs his phone in his pocket and starts walking away. "Look at the twink! He's running! Little boys gonna piss his pants." One says loudly as if it wasn't their fault and they hadn't done anything.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." Seokjin whispers picking up his pace one he hears heavy footsteps behind him. Tears are already clouding his way of sight, what is he supposed to do? He's gonna get jumped, he knows it.

He starts running once he feels a hand on his elbow, he hates this, he hates himself right now. What did he do to deserve- stop thinking.

He has to stop thinking, it's slowing him down- he takes a turn down an alley, a couple rights too fast makes him drop his phone in a puddle. Slowing down to get it isn't an option as the me- boys are still following him.

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