Invincible (Memories pt2)

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If you didn't get it before when things are italicized it's a flash back... and no worries the part two to back in time is up right after this 😉.

"Daddy! Daddy!" A small boy waddles towards his father excitedly. "Yes baby boy?" The kind, soft voice of the boy's father asked while making lunch for his son.

"I wanna know how you and papa met! And stuff like that! It's for a project!" The boy beams and a sigh leaves the adults mouth. "Y-Yeah... I don't see why not" The adult male turns to his child and smiles his cheeks puffing out as he does.

The father turns the stove off and puts thing to the side, walking over to where his son blasted off seeing the smaller on the couch. "Alright champ what do you want to know?" His hand came up to ruffle the child's hair smiling. "I want to know how you knew you liked papa" the boys eyes lit as he spoke.

"Alright Byungho... lets see"

"Ah! Get off of me! Stop!" Seokjin screams trying to kick off the many men pinning him against the cold brick wall.

He doesn't get it, it's like he was so extremely weak, what happened? "Let me go you creeps get off!" Seokjin yells.

He was just walking back from studying with his friend, Namjoon, and boom this happens. He didn't know humans would be attracted to such small, undeveloped, bodies but he guesses he was wrong.

"Pretty little boy yeah?" One of the men asked.

"By the way hoho, never go into dark alley's by yourself, I was around your age maybe a tad bit older" Seokjin comments and Byungho nodding at the advice.

Byungho is thirteen, though a bit too sheltered.

"N-no please don't touch me" Seokjin pleads as one of the men rose his leg, one feeling up his waist and the next whispering in his ear about the things he'd do to him.

Humans are so gross. "I-I'm under age" Seokjin tried knowing humans didn't like others under eighteen. "Oh yeah? Pretty boy, how old?" On of the men asked.

"Too young for you my dude" Namjoon voice spoke up his fourteen year old self already having his growth spurt being taller than most of the men surrounding Seokjin.

Two thirteen year olds on each side of him though when you're far enough away you could see them as a teenager. "Ah! Namjoon!" Seokjin smiles trying to push the hands off of him.

He didn't get far as a dirty hand was placed over his mouth "what are you gonna do kid?" A man snarled. "Ya better just leave we'll be done with your friend in a bit" he tilted his head as he spoke, cocky.

"What are you going to do to him exactly?" One of the thirteen year olds asked, Taehyung. "We thought you guys were smart enough to see we're gonna fuck his pretty ass until he cries for his mommy" a man smirked only for it to fade once the other thirteen year old, Jungkook, smirked back.

"Ooh I don't think so" Jungkook shook his head as Taehyung clapped twice, immediately Seokjin's mother and a few police officers came around the corner.

"Do you think I'd like, come here without an adult?" Namjoon asked "look who's stupid now~" Taehyung stuck his tongue out.

"Wow! Papa is so cool!" Byungho beams "was so cool, definitely" Seokjin agreed before breathing in a shaky breath "he really was."

"Oh! I wanna know a date! Like uh you and papa's first date" Byungho beamed our and Seokjin smiles a bit. "Why not"

"I thought you'd take me to a restaurant" Seokjin pouts smelling fresh air with no sign of food. "Wow thanks, now I know I'm only a buffet to you" Namjoon laughs as Seokjin shrugged not saying anything against the statement.

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