Remember The Concert

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"You little shit." Michael said as I back up against a wall.

"No Michael it wasn't me! " I panic, "Ash and Luke made me do it. I didn't want to."

"MY HAIR IS FUCKING PINK!" He yelled pointing to his newly dyed hair.

"In our defense," Ashton started,"The box said it was red." Michael slowly turned to Ashton, opened his mouth, emitted a battle cry, and launched for his friends throat. Ashton squealed and ran around back stage. You see while we were waiting on the Brirish to finish sound check Michael decided to take a power nap. That's when Ashton and Luke decided it be a good idea to dye his hair. At the time Michaels hair was blue so they decided red would be the best bet. Apparently you need to keep the dye in for a half hour. We only kept it in for 10 minutes so only a little of the colour had set. And thus the pink hair. And Michael thought it was me because I laughed first when he looked in the mirror. I am not very good at hiding my amusement.

"You know you love it." Luke said. Michael said nothing. "Yeah thought so." Luke smiled.

"You are so lucky that I wanted my hair dyed again." Michael said. I laughed.


The Fabulous Four had gone up to open for the Brirish, a few minutes ago so decided to take a nap. I realise how dangerous this is especially after what Luke and Ashton did to Michael but they were on stage for at least an hour and I just wanted to rest my eyes for a second...

"KATERINA!" Ashton screamed making me jump about three feet in the air.

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU FUCK TARD?" I yelled and jumped at him. He fell back onto the floor me on top of him. I slapped him repeatedly as the other 3/4s of the Fabulous Four rolled on the floor laughing their asses off. My head whipped around so fast I looked like a product of the exsorsism especally since I had the look of murder in my eyes. I stood up and stepped on Ashton whole groaned out "Run." to the other boys. They're eyes widened and the tripped over each other trying to get away from me.

"YOU ASS FUCKS." I screamed and ran after them. I nearly caught Luke when arms rapped around my waist. "LET ME GO." I yelled at the arms and slapped them. "THEY MUST DIE FOR WHAT THEY'VE DONE."

"What the hell is going on?" A voice said. Niall.

"THOSE GOOD FOR NOTHING EMO ASSHOLES WOKE ME FROM MY SLUMBER." I glared at the four Australians hiding behind Liam and Zayn. I struggled against the arms of the person holding me. It's not Zayn, Liam, or Niall, so that leaves Harry and Louis. I turn my head and end up eating curls. Well that answers that question.

"Harry?" I said sweetly,

"Yes Kat?" Harry said back,

"Can you let me go now?" I say batting my eye lashes. " I am thinking about getting the boys neck ties for Christmas and I need to measure. With my fingers." I turn my head back to the asslickers.

"No Kat." Harry said. "They wouldn't look good in neck ties."

"Wait she wants to kill them for waking her up." Louis said coming out of the bathroom.

"Kat loves her sleep." Ashton said and I all but growled at him.

"Jesus she's like a dog." Michael said and I launched myself out of Harry's vice like grip. I takled Michael and he dropped on his stomach. I grabbed his arms and pinned them behind his back. "Okay okay OKAY! IM SORRY." Michael cried. I let him go.

"That is for waking me up. " I glare, "All is forgiven if I get some Sour Patch Kids." I say and stand up. I turn around and face 5 shocked faces and 3 cautious ones. "What?" I asked.

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