Remember the Amnesia

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(I HAD TO I AM SO SORRY. REMEMBER WHEN ASHTON SANG AMNESIA IN TARGET>>>>>>>>> also a little Josh Peck for your viewing pleasure)

The restaurant we went to was mostly empty, though I don't understand why. The food was amazing. God these pancakes. I thought as I shovelled another forkful of the syrup covered treat in my mouth.
"Oh my god Kat stop moaning." Alice said with a mock annoyed look.

"Yeah you're making Ash all hot and bothered." Elle said and rapped her arm around me. The guys were cool enough to let her stay with us until we left the country. Her and Alice.

Elle's comment made me groan. Why did I tell her I think I like him. While the boys were showering I told Elle and Alice about everything that happened between Ashton and I. Now they were making fun of me every chance they got.

"These pancakes are amazing though." I defend, "Try them!" I grab a forkful and put it in Elle's face. She pushes my hand away with a look of disgust.

"No thanks."

Suddenly the fork was ripped from my hands and Alice's mouth was full. I have her a look. "Whaft?" She mumbled through the food, "You were offmering." I gave her a deadpanned look.

"Not to you."

"Okay, so you're rude." She says after she swallows, dragging out the 'o' in 'Okay' and 'So'. I rolled my eyes and polished off my milkshake.

"So how'd you guys meet?" Elle asked breaking the silence.

"Well Calum and I were friends before the band even formed." Michael said, "And Luke and I hated each other."

"Really?" Alice laughed.

"Yeah I always thought I wasn't... Cool enough to hang out with Michael and Calum." Luke said sheepishly, "But I really hated that he was thinner than I was. I was a chubby kid you know? And oh god my glasses."

"Hey I thought your glasses were cool!" Ashton looked horrified. "The first time I met Luke I was at the movies and there were these guys making fun of his glasses and I was like 'hey I like your glasses' and then it was instant friendship."

"I actually really liked Luke and I thought he was cool but the whole Michael/Luke rivalry..." I nod

"Yeah I remember that!" I laughed, "Luke and Ash came over my house and he said he didn't like you cause you were thin and he wasn't." Luke scowled at me and I shrugged. Ashton laughed and threw an arm around my shoulder making me flush. Elle smiled widely but took a sip of her milkshake to hide it. Michael waggled his eyebrows at me and I widened my eyes at him, in the way you do when you want someone to stop doing what they're doing. He chuckled and of course Ashton was oblivious to both exchanges. Thank God. I turned and smiled at him and he smiled back.

God why does he have to look like that. All innocent and adorable. It makes me upset.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone vibrating. I pulled it out of my pocket as I stepped in the bathroom.

From- Harray DaBae Stylays :
Gurl where are you. *Looks around hotel room.* You ain't here.

He'd be the one to put himself in my phone as that and to put his actions in his texts. I walked into a stall and sent my response. Totally normal to text your friends while peeing okay.

To- Harray DaBae Stylays:
I'm out with the Fabulous Four and Alice and Elle. A better question would be why are you in my phone as Harray DaBae Stylays? *Points at phone screen*

Just as I left the stall I got my response.

From- Harray DaBae Stylays:
And you didn't invite moi? D: Not cool shorty. *cries* Also I couldn't do Harry DaBae Styles. It wouldn't have rhymed.

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