Remember The Movies

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"Ugh I can't sit here any longer Harold. I need to go for a run." I groaned. Bear whined and scratched at my hand. He wanted to go running with me but noooooooo.

"Well you can't. Docs orders. No strenuous activities." Harry said and didn't even look up from his phone. I stared at the TV screen again. The Hunger Games was playing. Katniss looked beautiful in her fiery attire. Ugh. I let out a long groan. Bear barked. Harry didn't look up, so I let out another, louder groan. It took several more sighs before he finally looked up. "What." He spoke with an irritated tone to his voice. If Ashton were here he'd entertain me but alas he was out running errands. He'd been doing that a lot since their first show in Miami. See it was the halfway point in the tour and the boys were all on a mini vacation before we left for the European leg of the tour. One week off. It was nice but Ash had spent the first few days away from me already. I understand that we don't need to spend every waking moment together and that we have already had a lot of time together this summer-

"What is it Kat?" Harry asked with a laugh breaking my thoughts. Bear licked my leg.

"Oh. Right. I'm boorrrreeed" I sighed.

"So find a way to entertain yourself." Harry looked back at his phone. I smirked. It reminded me of Shrek 2 when Donkey does the clicking noise with his tongue. So I did just that.

















"Fine I'll take you to the movies!" Harry threw his hands up and got off the couch. Bear barked.

I smiled at him triumphantly


Harry's POV

Kat gripped my hand tighter as the little cymbals monkey started to jump like crazy on the movie screen in front of us. Bear growled from his spot in Kat's God purse. He may be a German Shepard but he is a runt and therefore can fit in one of those ridiculous dog bags.

"Don't look at it. Don't look at it." Kat mumbled at the screen. The music began to get louder and then all the electronic toys in the room began to go off. Despite Kat's numerous attempts to get me to see a different movie, I put my foot down and we were currently watching The Woman In Black. The one with Harry Potter after he was done with the Harry Potter series. I don't quiet remember his real name, ah well once a Potter always a Potter.

The woman jumped out and Kat screamed a little before shoving her face in my shoulder. "I hate you. I hate you. I hate you." she muttered and covered her ears. She was so cute. I looked around the theatre to see if anyone was as freaked out as her. Turns out another couple was sitting just a few rows down from us and the girl there was freaked out too. Not that Kat and I were a couple I'm just saying another pairing of people.

"Look Kat that girl there is just as freaked out as yo-" Kat looked up and saw the same thing I saw at the same time. Ashton was with the girl. I looked at Kat. Her face looked so broken. I don't understand why she looks so sad though- oh wait. I'm an idiot. She likes Ash. And she's seeing him with another girl, laughing with her, kissing her head, holding her. If I saw the girl I liked in another mans arms I'd be upset too. I touched Kat's shoulder.

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