Remember the Cards

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"HOLY SHIT GUYS!" I yell and run over to Elle and Alice standing next to the couch. All tiredness was wiped from my body in that moment. They laugh and wrap their arms around me.

"We are just here for a couple days." Alice says.

"I don't care! You don't know what it's been like living with all these men!" I cry dramatically. I hear a huff behind me and look that way. Hannah is standing there.

"What about me?" She says snarkily. I stare blankly at her. She keeps trying to let Bear, who in turn growls and runs away. He's getting bigger.

"You have no idea what it's like to live with all these men." I repeat and Hannah gasps, storming out of the room. Ashton gives me the 'play nice' look and follows her. She's trying to steal my man. Again. I am not going to play nice.

"Okay so what do you want to do?" Elle asks me.

"Get drunk."


"Let's play Kings." I suggest and grab a cup out of the cabinet. No one objects. I squeal. We had moved the party over to Niall's because he had less furniture in his living room and I'm clumsy sober so the last thing we need is one of us eating floor when we trip.

"Okay does everyone know how to play." Alice asks from her very close seat next to Luke. I smile at them. OTP fo life.

"I've never played it." Hannah says.

"Okay so basically every card has a thing that goes with it. Ace is slap your face- so if someone pulls out an ace everyone slaps their face and the last person to slap their face has to drink. Two is you- so if someone pulls out a two they pick someone to drink and that person has to drink. Three is me- if you pull a three you drink. Four is a end phrase- you pull a four and the group gets to think of a phrase for you to finish every sentence with. Five is guys- a five is pulled all the guys drink. Six is chicks- a six equals all girls drink. Seven you point to heaven- last one pointing drinks. Eight is date- if you pull an eight you pick someone to date and every time you drink they have to drink too and vice versa. Nine is rhyme- nine is pulled we have to come up with a rhyme to a word or phrase first one to choke drinks. Ten is categories- ten you come up with a category and we go around in a circle and name something from that category just like in nine- first to choke drinks. Jack is the jackass, every time somebody drinks the jackass has to drink with them. Queen is Question Master, anytime the question master asks you a question and you answer it you drink- eventually you just won't answer any questions-. Finally Kings everyone drinks. Got it?" Alice finishes the rules and everyone nods, even if they don't understand.

"Kat you go first to show them how it's done." Elle suggests. I nod. I spread the cards around the base of the cup and pick up the card closest to me before throwing it on top of the cup. Its a Jack.

"Looks like we have ourselves a Jackass." Alice smirks and Hannah snickers. She and Ashton had just come in. Birch Tree. Im trying to cut back on the cussing okay?

"This is going to be a long game." I groan and take a gulp of beer,

Soon enough we've gone around the circle a couple times and I've had to drink a lot. Harry is now the Question Master so I'm avoiding talking to him, meanwhile Louis got the end phrase so he's avoiding talking completely. His end phrase is too rated R for me even to think let alone narrate to you people. I reach for the card, again closest to me and throw it on the cup, it's an eight.

"She gets a date." Elle groans.

"Who wants to date the jackass?" I ask with a tipsy smirk. I look at Hannah. Birch gonna pay for even thinking about my man. "Here you go Hannah." I throw the card at her. She glares at me. I lean into Harry. I feel him laugh and I know he's on my side in this war.

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