Remember the Park

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I woke up with my head on Ashton's chest. I felt blush creep into my cheeks and sat up. I ran my fingers through my hair. Why did I blush. I've woken up this way with him before.

That was before last night though.

Last night.

"C'mon Kat! Hurry!" Ashton laughed as he pulled me along the streets of Memphis Tennessee. We rounded a sharp corner and he stopped abruptly making me slam into his back.

"Ow! That hurt Ash," I rub my nose. "Is your back made of rocks or something?"

"No I'm just super muscly."

"Muscly isn't a word dumbass."

"Shut up Kat." I stepped around him and looked at the building we stopped in front of. It was an abandoned apartment complex, the walls cracked and covered in dirt.

"You brought me to a condemned building? Why?" I ask and turn to him.

"Part two of your birthday!"

"My birthday was two weeks ago Ashton."

"So?" He deadpans and pulls me inside. Inside is as bad, maybe even worse, than the outside. The walls are covered in graffiti and gang symbols, would is moulding on the floor and ceiling panels have turned to mush on the ground, covered in water. I step over everything with a shudder.

Ashton opens a door and my biggest fear comes fluttering out. A moth. I scream and turn around to run but I slam into Ashton who raps his arms around me. I feel Ashton start to laugh and slap him. He KNOWS how freaked out moths get me.

"Shhh I'll protect you Kat." He says holding back laughs. My arms are still around his torso and his around my waist as I look up at him. The smile drops from his face as I look up at his eyes. They're so pretty. Green with little bits of gold.

Ashton really is very attractive, I think, I see why all the girls "loved" him in middle school and why many girls "love" him now.

I clear my throat and step back before letting out a small "Thanks Ash." He nods and smiles again.

"C'mon scaredy cat we're gonna miss it!" He says happily and drags me over to a set of stairs. I stop but Ashton keeps tugging until I follow. I grip tightly into Ashton's arm as we climb. I then feel just HOW muscular his arm is. None of the skin presses in as I grip it tightly. I shake my head. Why am I having these thoughts all of a sudden?

A few flights later we were at a door. The door to the roof to be exact. I let go of Ashton's arm quickly and push open the door. The air around us had gotten too thick to breathe any longer. When I looked around the roof I saw a picnic basket and blanket laid out. The basket was opened and showed green apples and red lidded containers. The sun was setting over Memphis bathing the city in pink, red, and orange. It was beautiful. But what really caught my attention was the guitar laying next to the blanket. My guitar. The one Grace sold. I could tell it was mine. I had taped an Australian flag to the front after we moved. The blue and red paint was chipped on the body and the head had little knicks next to the tuning pegs. It was mine. I turned around slowly and saw Ashton standing there with a big smile on his face. The setting sun made his eyes greener, his hair golder, and defined the muscles being displayed by his tank top. How is it even in sweat pants he looks fabulous? That's not even fair.

All of my sudden jealousy aside I ran over to Ashton and threw my arms around him. I buried my face in his neck and he rapped his arms tight around my waist.

"How did you get my guitar?" I mumbled into is neck.

"Magic!" He said in his deep movie voice he does to make me laugh. It worked. I pulled back and looked up at him. His green eyes were shining. "Kat why are you crying?" I am crying? I lifted a hand to my cheek and it came away wet.

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