Remember The Gym

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I woke up a couple days later in Harry's empty bed around two in the afternoon. I was exausted because last night I introduced the boys to a card game called spoons and I kept winnning so Harry was convinced I was cheeting and made us play until somebody else won. I was confused by th empty bed until I remembered it was Tuesday. It was the day One Direction was going on the Allan Carr Show, but also the day I could start running again. I practically jumped out of bed when I realised this, before reaching under the bed for my suitcase. I yanked out my trusty old spandex shorts that came to mid thigh my electric blue sports bra and a light sweat shirt in case the London weather was it's normal rainy self. I walked into the kitchen and started making myself a smoothie. I blueberry, strawberry, banana, greek yogurt smoothie, incase you're wondering. I slid in my head phones and put on Blank Space by Taylor Swift. Damn I love this song. I started dancing a little as I put together my breakfast. I started singing and throwing fruits into the blender to the beat.

"Boys only want love if it's tourcher, don't say I didn't, say I didn't warn you." I sang loudly thanking god no one was home. "Boys only want love if it's tourcher, didn't say, I didn't say I didn't warn you!" Let me tell you. I held that note, loud and clear. Or I did until I screamed.

"Damn Kat I forgot you could sing." Someone said and as stated earlier I screamed. I whipped around, the spoon I was using to scoop yougurt into the smoothie, my only weapon. Yogurt flew off the spoon in a glob and landed right Harry's shirt and face. His smile dropped and he dead panned at me. I felt my face get hot

"Harold Edward Styles you do not sneak up on a girl in her Taylor Swift mode! I was terrified! I thought maybe one of your crazy fans had come to kill me or something!" I said swinging my hand around for emphasis,

"Did I scare you?" He cooes and walks over to me. He looks adorable with his pouty face and yogurt in his forehead. But not even his cuteness dissolves my anger. For the most part.

"Terrified is a synonym for scared isn't it Harry?" I snapped angrily and grab a paper towel before wetting it and rubbing his dirty shirt and face, "I thought you had that interview with Allan Carr." I say quietly and wipe at his face.

"We finished and the boys wanted to go see a movie but I came here instead. I thought it would be very un-boyfriend thing to leave you here without even offering to take you along." My anger melts and I feel my hardened face melting away as well. I shake my head.

"I would have been fine. I was going to go for a run because today is the first day I can. I heard you guys had a gym in the basement of this place so I was going to go work out after breakfast." I say pulling away from Harry to throw away the yogurt covered napkin. "You should have gone out with them. I won't be back for another two hours after I leave. " I turn around and start blending my breakfast. Harry raps his arm around me and puts his head on my shoulder.

"Is there enough there for me?'' He asks, his nose brushing the middle of my neck. I stiffen and let out a strangled 'mmmhm' "Let me go change and we can work out together."

"Yep." I say his lips now brushing the same spot. I lean my head slightly away from him, givin him more access to that spot. He kisses me and I sigh. I turn around in his arms and kiss him lightly on the lips. "Go get changed or I won't wait for you."

He puts his hands up and goes to our room. I shake my head and lean against the counter. Bear begs for some food at my feet. I toss him a treat numbly. Jesus.


"Lift you pansy! Lift!" I yelled at Harry under me. He rolled his eyes and pushed. "I can almost smell those twenty dollars." I sang and smelled the air. I squealed as Harry lifted me up. See after Harry and I got there, I ran for twenty minutes on the tredmills with Harry then we went to the bench press where I spotted Harry. Then after he liftted 80 pounds we got to talking and he bet me twenty dollars he could bench press me. I agreed. And as of ten minutes later I was twenty dollars in the hole. Harry, after my pestering, got fed up and lifted me once in the air, brought me down then did it again. I freaked out and squirmed making Harry lose his grip on me and I fell to his chest. We both let out a grunt. I started laughing.

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