Remember The Birthday

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The next two weeks flew by and my birthday was here. I woke up with a smile on my face. Ashton was still asleep so I decided he needed to wake up.

"Hey Ashton." I poked his face. He groaned and rolled over. I frowned. Well that wouldn't do. I swung my leg over him so I was straddling his hip. I started to shake him. "Ashtonnnn." I sang quietly. "Ashton it's my birthday wake upppp. ASHTON!" I screamed in his ear. He flailed and fell of the bed taking me with him.

"What the hell Kat." He groaned. I was under him now and I couldn't breathe.

"You can't be mad at me on my birthday. " I said and took a deep breath. "And you can't kill me either so get your fat ass up." I say and push him. He sits up but takes his sweet ass time doing it.

"Guess what we're doing first." I say happily. I have wanted to do this since I left. "We're gonna tell my mom." I say with a shit eating grin on my face. Ew gross. But accurate.

"Are you sure?" Ashton asked. He was treading lightly in case I snapped.

"Sure as the sun is hot." I smile again and pull out my phone. I dail my home number.

"Katerina. If you want some chips why can't you just come downstairs. You haven't left your room in weeks." My mom says. No hello. Just strait into the judging "Sneaking in and out of it so you won't have to talk to me. It's rude and I do not appreciate it. You know what I'm going up stairs and we will have this disscution face to face dammit." I hear her start up the stairs and I laugh.

"Don't bother. I haven't been there since the night of that stupid party." I say into the phone.

"What." I can hear her gritted teeth and shock.

"That's right bitch. I'm gone." I say. "I left the day after that stupid party. I've been faking it all along."

"That's not possible. I've heard you. In your room. Playing that God awful guitar. Listening to music talking on the phone. You even yelled at me to leave you the fuck alone. You're lying." I can hear the anger and betrayal.

"Go check for yourself. I won't be there. I hate you. You're good for nothing whore who never cared about me. You only wanted someone you could control because you couldn't control dad. Then you cheated on dad and replaced me with that stupid bitch Grace. The fucking bitch who sold my guitar on Ebay to pay for concert tickets you could have payed for with your shit ton of money. You know what. Fuck you. Fuck her. Fuck Mark. I'm eighteen now. I don't have to listen to you anymore. I hate you. You're not my mother. My mother died with my grandmother all those years ago. My mother would never cheat on my dad. My mother wouldn't take me from my home. My mother wouldn't make me leave my best friend then act as if anything before her new douchebag never happened. Like there wasn't a before. My mother would never ever do anything like that." I say venom dripping off my lips. "You are not my mother. She is gone just like I am." I say and hang up.

That. Felt. Amazing.

"Kat?" Ashton said lightly. He doesn't want me to explode at him like my track record says I will. "You okay?"
"I'm free." I whisper. "I'm free!" I get up and start dancing around like a maniac. My phone starts to ring. A video Chat. I answer. "Yellow?"

"Who the hell are you with?" Grace asks angrily. Her face lags a little.

"Ashton Irwin." I say casually and examine my nails.

"Yeah who are you really with? " Her laugh is nasily and annoying. Stupid bitch. She looks even more stupid and bitchy with that smug face of hers.

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