Remember The Stories.

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"God I hate fastfood." I moaned as we pulled up to yet another McDonalds, "Can't we ever stop at a salad bar?" All 9 boys chuckled in agreement. The reason all 10 of us were crammed into the Fabulous Fours bus because the Brirish claimed they were lonely and wanted their emo friends to hang out with them. I had only been on the road with them for a week and I was already feeling the chances of me having a heart attack increase. "I mean you guys have like this mini kitchen why can't I just cook for you guys." Their heads all snapped up to look at my face.

"You can cook?" Niall aked and I nodded. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"It didn't seem important until just now." I shrug and Niall grabs my shoulders.

"Don't ever say food isn't important again." He looks serious and I nod.

"Fine okay jeeze, I mean I guess I could make something. What are you guys in the mood for?"

"Fajitas." Ashton answers quickly and the other boys nod in approval.

"Okay we'll need to stop at a store so I can get the things I need-"

"CAN YOU DRIVE US TO THE SUPER MARKET!!" Harry yells and gets an okay from the driver, "THANKS YOU'RE A REAL BRO."


"I need vegetable oil, lemon juice,a garlic clove, some ground cumin, garlic powder and onion powder. Hot sauce, salt, black pepper, 3 pounds of chicken breast, an onion, a cajin pepper, a red bell pepper, flour tortillas, a lime, sour cream, salsa, guacamole, and pepper jack cheese, I also need powdered sugar, gram crackers chocolate and peanut butter." I read off the list, " Alright men devide and concour. Niall and Louis you two grab the salsa guac and sour cream, Zayn and Liam you grab garlic powder, onion podwer salt black pepper and ground cumin. Ashton and Michael you grab the chicken totillas and hot sauce. Calum and Luke you guys grab the various pepper the lemon and the lime and the vegetable oil, Harry and I will handle dessert, understood?" The boys all gave me mock salutes. "Move out men!" The boys scattered and left Harry and I there.

"Lets go Aussie." Harry says and I roll my eyes, "You're pretty good at giving orders," Harry adds and lightly bumps my shoulder with his arm. I was only a couple inches shorter than him so my shouder reached his bicep.

"My mom taught me well. Always telling how to be what to wear how to sit even. I was pissed when she got custody." I say. "Sorry that has nothing to do with you. I shouldn't have brought it up."

"So what happened?" Harry asked me, "With your parents and all that wonderful jazz."

"You don't want to know." I said as we turned down the candy isle.

"Oh but I do," he says as he reaches up to grab some chocolate chips.

"Well it all started with an almost one night stand." I said, "That one night stand was my dad's last because my mom got pregant with me. She was 18 my dad was 22. When my mom told my dad he gave up his player ways and filled the part of the father to a tee. My parets were in love but they hated each other. They were so terrible for each other that they were perfect. They fought. threatended divorce but they were crazy about each other. We were happy. We weren't perfect by any means but we were happy. We had each other, and my dad tried so hard to make it work, but when I was 8," I took a deep breath. "My mom was late to pick me up from guitar lessons. Her car was there but she wasn't. Then she showed up in a different car. A really expensive car. One my parents couldn't afford on their salaries and when I asked about it she said that it was her boss giving her a lift. She kept this going for 3 years before she filed divorce my dad wanted to keep me but my mom won custody because she had a steady pay coming through from her rich boy toy and my dad just lost his job. Then her boy toy Mark said he couldn't stay in Austrailia anymore and my mom just picked up and left, I didn't even get to say goodbye to Ashton." I finish. I didn't cry, but I wanted to. I just slapped a smile on my face and walked up the isle. I expected him to push and pity me.

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