Chapter Eight

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The knocking was so rapid that she felt the urgency with each thud. Hurriedly the game was placed on pause as she made her way to the door. Opening it the younger girl fell in to her arms. Jisoo closed the door with her foot as she hugged a shivering Lisa. Gripping on to the purple haired girl's shirt Lisa let her tears fall. Attempting to get them to the couch, Jisoo struggled with the clinging girl. Eventually they made it to the living room and Jisoo gently guided them down. As Lisa heaved, Jisoo held her tightly. When the blonde's breathing slowed, Jisoo lifted her chin making her look at her.

With complete care, she gripped Lisa's face and used her thumbs to wipe away the tears. Lisa stared at the older girls lips as Jisoo concentrated on clearing her cheeks. Suddenly, Lisa felt Jisoo guide her on to her lap. Obliging Lisa wrapped herself around the other girl. They sat like that for a while. Jisoo began to rock slowly. Lisa felt herself relax. In their proximity Jisoo could feel Lisa's heartbeat and was satisfied with its current tempo. She released the blonde from her arms and Lisa moved to sit next to her.

"What happened?"

"I...couldn't get the camera," Lisa sniffled.

She began to explain how she was outbid during the auction. She had really wanted that camera as it was an antique. It had taken a lot of energy out of her and she didn't know that during an auction one had to be quite strategic. Jisoo held her hand the entire time she spoke. It was clear that Lisa was deeply disappointed. She cupped the blonde's face.

"It's going to be alright Lisa. You'll find another opportunity to get what you want. It's just a matter of time," Jisoo pulled her in to a hug.

Lisa felt safe in her arms. She didn't want to let go but her stomach had other ideas. Accordingly Jisoo's stomach growled a reply. They looked at each other and burst in to laughter. It released a lot of the tension. Jisoo stated that Jennie said she was going to make some food. Hopefully she made enough to share. Lisa said that they should get Chae too, since her friend had been waiting for quite some time. They agreed to go check on Jennie first.

Holding hands they exited Jisoo's place. Surprisingly, Chae opened the door for them. Her best friend immediately noticed her puffy eyes and asked what was wrong. Entering the living room, Jennie peeked in from the kitchen. As Lisa began to explain, Jennie made her way to her team. Chae could see Lisa's sadness. She went to hug her and Lisa accepted willingly. Jisoo moved to make room for them.

Chae kissed Lisa's forehead and they snuggled up close. Jisoo's eyebrows scrunched as she suddenly felt uncomfortable. Not wanting to see any more either, Jennie said that she would start dishing up. Jisoo quickly offered to help. As Jennie carved up the chicken, Jisoo got the plates and cutlery. They shared the food quietly and decided to pour everyone a glass of coke. Returning to the living room with the food they saw that the other two girls had separated and Lisa was giggling at something Chae had said.

Jisoo sat on the floor and Lisa joined her. Jennie made herself comfortable next to Chae as they all ate up. Jennie asked if Lisa was feeling better and if she needed anything she should just ask. Shaking her head, Lisa felt really cared for by the other girls. Chae started talking about Jennie and hers jam session. The other girls listened happily as the red head gushed about Jennie's singing. Jisoo smiled in understanding.

"Oh yeah, Jennie's got a great voice. She and Lisa love to rap as well," she said.

"Don't act like you can't sing either Chu, we all know you got the best lower register in the game," Jennie complimented.

Jisoo bobbed her head proudly and began to sing Toni Braxton's Unbreak my Heart. She failed horribly as she couldn't take herself seriously. The others laughed in a roar.

"Rosie's always loved to sing and she's a super natural," Lisa chided.

Chae thanked her on her way to the kitchen to get seconds. Jennie's eyes widened slightly at the large amount of food the red head returned with. Ignoring it she turned to Lisa.

"Why do you call Chae, Rosie?'' she asked

Lisa was busy chewing so Chae answered for her.

"My English name is Roseanne. Some of my friends call me Rosé."

"Yeah Rosie," Lisa said as she swallowed.

"Which do you prefer?" asked Jisoo

Chae confided that it really didn't matter as she had been referred to by both her Korean and English names all her life. As they finished Jisoo and Lisa headed to the kitchen to do the dishes. Jennie turned to Chae finding the other girl deep in thought.

"What's on your mind?" she asked

Looking at Jennie, Chae's lips formed in to a mischievous smile. She shifted closer and moved some of the brunette's hair behind her ear. Leaning in closely she whispered.

"Thinking about it, I wouldn't mind hearing you call me Rosé. I can only imagine how it would roll off your tongue."

Jennie blushed deeply as Chae moved away in a fit of giggles. Jennie remained catatonic. She placed a hand on Jennie's shoulder as she made it clear that she was only teasing. Jennie pursed her lips in frustration. She told Chae that it wasn't funny. Chae continued giggling and wiped the tears away. She highly enjoyed the reaction she was getting. Jennie slapped her playfully to make her stop. It just made Chae laugh harder and she tackled Jennie with tickles in retaliation. Jisoo and Lisa had stopped with the dishes to see what the commotion was about. Seeing the fun, Lisa fetched a couch pillow and ran to hit the other two girls. Due to her position, Jennie was the first victim of Lisa's hits.

As the scene unfolded Jisoo watched in amazement. It was the first time she had seen Jennie laugh so earnestly. It made her realise how long it was since she had heard that sound come from her best friend. A pillow slammed her out of her thoughts. Chae chuckled at her as she ran way for safety. With a large smile on her face Jisoo grabbed a pillow. Rolling up her sleeves, she knew it was payback time for that damn trolley.

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