Chapter Twelve

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A heavy weight dropped on top of her as she felt someone bury their face in the crook of her neck. Her eyes shot open as her vision filled with blonde hair. Wet kisses were planted on her neck. Jennie tapped the top of the blonde's head to get some air. Cass moved up to sit next to her. It gave her a little space to shift in to a more comfortable position.

"Did you miss me babe," Cass kissed her neck.

Jennie allowed the blonde to pull her in.

"Hey you're back," involuntarily her arms wrapped around Cass.

They hugged briefly before Cass moved in for a sloppy kiss. Jennie felt a little uncomfortable considering she had just woken up. However, it was also possibly the image of an entirely different person kissing her neck in her dreams that made her hesitant. But she forced herself to relax and eased in to the kiss. It lasted longer than she expected and Cass wanted a second round. Stopping for air Cass stared at her girlfriend.

"You need to get up and shower. We're meeting up with Audrey and Sooyeon at 12pm. I've been holding off on the double date for too long," Cass jumped off the bed.

"What do you mean? You just got back. Don't you want to rest. Also I have work and Kuma's got his operation," Jennie rambled.

"Cancel that stuff. This is important to me babe. You know Sooyeon is thick in management and having a good vibe with her could help my team. And possibly yours."

"Cass I've got work and Kuma.." her girlfriend looked at her.

"Alright, alright. How about you skip work and we catch up, go on the date and I'll go with you to the vet. That should work right," Cass returned to undressing.

Jennie didn't answer as she really didn't know what she should do. Slowly the thoughts shifted in her head. This was the last thing she needed.

"Jennie, I'm trying to meet you half way here. I come back and want to spend time with you and you don't want to. What even. I'm gonna take you out on a private date and then we'll do a double date. It's not the end of the fucking world. I'm doing this cause I missed you. Now get undressed and come and join me in the shower," Cass yelled as she opened the tap.

Growing numb Jennie slowly took off her clothes. She just couldn't win against the blonde. She knew she couldn't win. The bed sheets fell as she made her way to the shower.

Chae ended the attempted call for the tenth time. Jennie had not come in to work. She looked at her phone in concern and wondered if the brunette was okay. She hoped nothing unexpected happened to Kuma. Chae placed her phone down. Unlike the others she didn't have an office, but they decided the conference room would work the best anyway. The room felt very empty. She turned to the screen. Her eyes blinked over the words. She sighed. She couldn't concentrate. With determination she decided to go check herself.

"Chae says she still hasn't come in. She's not answering any of the messages either," Lisa told her

They had just come from interviewing some of Siyeon's former college friends. It didn't give them anything and the current situation was more worrisome. Jisoo told Lisa to try again.

Chae knocked loud and continuously but nobody was answering. She decided to go to her room to fetch a pin and picked Jennie's lock. The door opened and for the most part it looked the way she had left it. Sweeping each room she saw that there were two sets of clothes in the bedroom. Not wanting to think about it, Chae headed back to the conference room.

"Chae says she's not in her room," Lisa sighed.

Jisoo had noticed that the blonde herself seemed quite off today. She had been so eager the previous night to get out of the building but when they met this morning it had looked like Lisa hadn't slept at all. She asked if the younger girl was okay. Returning from her train of thought Lisa nodded passively. Jisoo decided to park.

"Lisa, are you sure you're alright?'' she took in the Thai's features

Lisa's phone pinged and Jisoo asked if it was one of the other girls. Lisa shook her head to say no and quickly placed the phone in her back pocket. Ignoring the look Jisoo gave her Lisa urged her to get them back as she is sure Chae was really worried right now.

Time flew. They made their way to a restaurant to rest from the ride they just came from. As they ordered their food, Jennie realised that she had barely been paying attention to her surroundings.

"I'm really impressed that you made time for us, straight after a mission," said Sooyeon.

"That's Cass for you." Audrey chided.

Jennie watched as Cass took in the compliments and practically licked Sooyeon's ass. She barely added to the conversation and only has she ate the soup did she realise they were having a full blown five course meal. Time marched on and soon Audrey made his way to go pay the bill. Heading to their separate cars Jennie suddenly snapped back to life.

"Oh God, what the hell is the time?" she asked.

It was just past 7pm. Jennie begged Cass to give her, her phone back. She needed to call her mom asap. But Cass refused. They sat in the car as Jennie asked if they could at least go see her dog.

"No Jen, the dog can wait. You didn't seem interested at all today. If they didn't like me so much and if you didn't have the whole "YG princess rep" then we probably would have made a bad impression. Do you know how much that would cost me." Cass shook her head in disbelief

Jennie apologised hurriedly and promised to do better. But all she wanted right now was to go see if her dog was alright. She asked again. Suddenly her head slammed against the passenger window as a hand clenched around her throat.

"Shut the fuck up about that ugly ass dog! I'm fucking talking to you," Cass slapped her hard.

Jennie struggled against the other woman's strong hold. The hand gripped tighter as she felt herself losing her consciousness.

"Cassidy," she let out breathlessly.

At the sound of her full name, Cass seemed to snap out of it. She let go and Jennie coughed roughly. Ashamed, Cass did what she knew was the only thing that made sense.

"Fuck, Jen. Look what you've made me do."

Starting the car she drove them back. The tears covered the emerging bruise. Jennie wondered why six years of combat training still left her defenceless. Cass tried reaching for her hand. Afraid for any further retaliation, she held on to it. This type of thing was happening way too often now. Jennie found herself lost in her thoughts. She needed to get out of this relationship but she didn't know how. 

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