Chapter Forty

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They saw no movement in the beautiful household and no cars had left the premises either. Chae tried to shift but the position she'd turned to was more uncomfortable. She sat squeezed between Clyde and Jungwook in the backseat.

Hayoon sighed unpleasantly. This was the fourth day they'd sat outside the Dupont mansion and there was still no sign of the man leaving.

"Maybe we should just let her kill him in the house," she offered.

"It's too risky. There are too many armed men surrounding the place. It would just be easier to get him somewhere else," said Clyde.

The black haired woman slouched in her seat. This was meant to be quick, they'd been delayed far longer than they initially planned. Cass peaked at Chae through the mirror.

She caught her looking and the pink haired woman smiled. Cass gave her a snarl in return and faced forward. Smirking, Chae shifted again and asked something she'd wanted to know since seeing the blonde.

"What's with the brace?" Jungwook giggled beside her while Hayoon peered at Cass. The blonde's eyes were staring holes through the mirror.

"It's got sentimental value," said Hayoon. Jungwook burst in to a laugh before Cass slammed her fist against the steering wheel.

"Shut the fuck up Park, or else I'll gag your mouth again," she sneered.

With wide eyes Chae chose not to say anything more. Jungwook was still giggling while Hayoon had joined him. Clyde's eyes were fully focused on the Dupont mansion, willing the man to come out.

Jennie tapped her fingers as she saw pink hair move. Her gaze shifted to the mansion. Lisa, Jisoo and Hyuna continued to load the weapons. She and E'dawn sat in the front praying for an opening.

Jungwook's stomach suddenly began to rumble and Chae understood where it was coming from. They'd been sitting out here for hours and it was draining. Hayoon shuffled with something at her feet and handed him a sandwich.

He handed Chae half of it and the two sat eating quietly. Cass rolled her eyes at her teammate, he didn't even need to look to know that she did.

"She needs energy if she's going to kill the dude," Hayoon handed them each their own sandwhich and Chae took it hungrily. Cass gave the black haired woman the side eye.

"What? He's kinda right," she threw up her hands innocently.

Lisa handed E'dawn and Jennie their guns and they all sat waiting. Chae's kidnapper's appeared to not have notice they've been following them. They clearly didn't seem to care.

Gazing at her watch the brunette saw that it was nearly 10pm. She wondered if the car before them was going to call it quits soon. It was obvious that nothing was happening at the mansion.

Siyeon stared at Eric incredulously. He continued to type on his laptop without even turning to her. She mustered up the strength to try again.

"We need to go Eric, listen to me it will be quick. You need to go see him," she whined.

"Tell him to come here," he scoffed.

Siyeon tried not to roll her eyes as he still did not budge. He did not want to leave the house, even for one of the few relatives who still spoke to him. She reminded him of all his Uncle has done for him.

Sighing he stopped to look at her. Unfortunately she was right; the old man did go the extra mile for him. He got up and told her he would go change. Raising her eyebrows she said that she'd go tell the driver.

Looking at his watch William Dupont boarded the private jet. He had another meeting to attend to which would result in a long flight. His nephew was 2 hours late and he had no patience to run after a man child. Securing his buckle, the pilot took off.

Rushing him in to the car, Siyeon told the driver to hurry. They were beyond late and she hoped Eric's Uncle was still waiting. She dialled his number but no one answered.

She turned to Eric and he gave her a sheepish smile. Oh how she loathed this man. The driver sped off and she tried to call again. Still no answer, so she sent him a message. Eric on the other hand tapped her shoulder.

"Are the guards with us?" he asked nervously. She face palmed at the realisation.

"Aw shit, I forgot to tell them. I'll send Dominick our location," Eric's eyes buldged knowing they had no protection. He threw a fit and Siyeon tried to calm him down.

The driver continued forward and soon they arrived at another property Eric's family owned. As they parked, Siyeon saw that there was no plane on the landing pad. Cursing she urged Eric to get out of the car.

"Are you out of your fucking mind! We're going back," he said. Losing all her cool, she reached for his arm and tried to pull him out. Fuck him and his horridness.

"Let go Siyeon and get in the fucking car. We need to go back," he struggled.

"I said get out! For once fucking listen to me!"

The glass broke as the bullets flew through the drivers head. Siyeon had no time to react when she saw another car hurriedly pull up. Eric flung himself out the car.

Chae's eyes turned dark as they stopped. He was right there, in front of her. Team Thesaurus had already equipped her with two guns. They all stepped out the car as Hayoon put her gun away.

Looking at the driver, she complimented her own aim. Clyde moved out and Chae followed after him. Jungwook began to load his own gun while he admired Hayoon's work. Cass just adjusted her jaw brace.

Siyeon screamed at the sight of the gigantic man. What the fuck was going on. Her mind flashed with thoughts. She looked to the house. Eric lay frozen on the ground as he stared at the pink haired woman. A nightmare, this had to be a nightmare.

He felt something tug his arm. Siyeon urged him to get up. Seeing the pink haired woman approach them he got up. The two of them ran in to the house. Siyeon ducked as a bullet just missed her.

Jungwook cursed as he aimed again. Clyde told him to stop as he saw how close the woman was to Eric. They needed to let Chae do this, like YG wanted. Chae's mind focused on one thing as she ran after the two in to the house.

Cass and Hayoon were about to follow her inside when they heard bullets. Another car stopped as Clyde and Jungwook ducked. E'dawn shot vigorously with the others. Jennie stopped the car and they got out.

Hayoon shot back with Cass covering her. Hyuna and Lisa worked to fire back at them. Jisoo and E'dawn were preoccupied with Clyde and Jungwook. Jennie's eyes scanned the area but saw no sign of Chae.

Shots rang inside the house. Panicking the brunette made her way to the door. Hyuna turned her attention to cover her as Jungwook tried to shoot. He missed as Jennie ran through.

Seeing her ex, Cass hurriedly rushed in to the house. A bullet struck her upper leg. Lisa shot again but a shot from Hayoon stopped her. Ducking she tried to re-evaluate. Cass ignored the pain as she went after the brunette.

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