Chapter Twenty Nine

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It was day six in Japan and nothing happened. No YG employees had come to them and it appeared they would only be able to interview Mr Tanabe Snr. After the man was released from the hospital. Jennie was being fed bits of information from Irene through the work of NCT's spy units. The older woman was deeply concerned about the level of the people who were involved in this thing.

The brunette felt the same way. When they had seen the photos of BigBang she nearly fainted. She'd work with GD before and he was a force on his own. She couldn't imagine what their entire team together would mean. Then again Lisa had reminded them that 2NE1 were working on the other side. If her goal was to make them feel better upon hearing that it had failed miserably.

Sorn was working underground for them and had found out some more information. They now knew that YG was on the hunt for a large load of drugs. It was so left field that they had to pause when they heard it. Apparently rumours were going round that YG was desperate for it. Team Twice were working on breaking their own boss down. They all knew JYP and YG were pals and they believed they could find something. The girls were still waiting on that.

Jennie got out as Chae stopped in front of what appeared to be a beauty parlour. They all followed inside. When she saw the make-up artist the red head immediately pointed to Jisoo. They were all completely confused. Chae took out something from her backpack as the make-up artist sat Jisoo down.

Chae took out a camera and shoved it in to Lisa's hands. The blonde double took slightly and Jennie yawned. The red head gave them all a tentative smile. The lack of energy in the team was tangible. She wanted to see them happy again, especially since she knew that she was inching closer to her goal. These women didn't know it, but they'd helped her immensely. She needed to see them happy.

"You're going to film Jisoo," she said. Lisa looked at the camera carefully and saw that it had video and photo features. Each of which appeared to be of high quality. She found herself playing around with it. Jisoo was enjoying the verbal waterfall the make-up artist's was cleansing her with. They heard her laugh heartily at the woman.

Chae stood next to Jennie as Lisa began to speak up some ideas. She would need their help if she was going to film the purple haired beauty in the everyday streets of Japan. They nodded in what they had to do and not long after they all found themselves filming.

Jisoo appeared to be in her element and Jennie laughed at Lisa's strictness. The ordinary people they passed by gave them funny looks but the girls didn't care. Lisa urged Jisoo to continue playing with the camera and Jennie was cheering her on happily. Chae was mostly quiet, smiling in joy that the others seemed more bubbly. They continued to film for most of the afternoon.

CL looked around and realized it was utter pandemonium. They had to set up the new location and when trying to relay the new spot to their informants they'd found a horrible discovery. They'd lost contact with some of their people in China, Australia and Malaysia. It appeared things weren't looking great in Argentina and Vermont either. Bom ran past her.

The other's were trying to get in to as many of their contacts across the world and warn them. They had no idea how this all happened so quickly but they needed to quell the flames. Moreover, and this was really their biggest worry they had not been able to inform Chae about the tricky situation team Blackpink had been placed in.

On her way to her office she saw Jessi fervently on the phone while Jinwoo typed away. It was the most she'd seen either of them do since meeting them. She closed the door and slumped in her chair. They didn't know if they should tell Chae about the situation. However, they really didn't know what was happening that side and CL didn't like the time bomb feel about everything. She took out her phone and dialled in desperation.

Hyuna answered merrily as she and E'dawn stalked Chae and the others. They'd wanted to approach the red head about their discovery the moment they knew she'd landed. However, the other girls were sticking around her like bees to honey. Moreover, they'd seen some shady looking men speak to the blonde and brunette not so long ago. The girls had looked uncomfortable and that was worrisome.

She'd never heard CL so tired and it really made her pay attention. She placed the call on speaker as instructed. They listened as she detailed the new developments.

"Wait, what?" Hyuna asked CL to repeat herself and indeed she hadn't misheard. BigBang was now involved and they still needed to work on that. E'dawn saw his girlfriend, for the first time, gulp. Their eyes widened at hearing the assassination placed on Chae's head. They confirmed it and spoke of the men they saw. CL, paused before continuing.

"Lee Hi, was also killed, we're working on retrieving her body," she said. E'dawn held on to the phone as Hyuna's hand began to tremble, CL was expecting them to tell Chae. They told them of their discovery and CL felt that at least someone had good news. Ending the call, they knew they needed to get a hold of the red head as soon as possible.

Chae paid for the milk ice cream and waited as the man scooped it up. She looked out and saw that Jennie was helping Lisa with the camera. She hoped the brunette would enjoy the treat she was getting for her. Her phone buzzed and she saw a message from an unknown number. It was Hyuna. She wanted to meet urgently. Chae looked towards the girls and knew it would be difficult to get away from. For whatever reason they were watching her like hawks.

She texted her dilemma and saw that Hyuna was typing. Jennie waved to her and she saw her mouth "hurry up". She smiled in return as her phone lit up. Her mouth began to turn in to a frown as she read the message. It didn't matter, they needed to meet. She reread it and wondered what to reply. The man placed her order in front of her and she thanked him. Placing the phone in her back pocket, she made her way to the team.

Another car with two skeevy characters followed the girls around. The men inside made sure to stay at a safe distance and had realised that the other car was still following the girls too. They spoke in hush voices as the girls continued to take pictures. One of the men remarked that this looked more like a vacay than a killing job. The other laughed along as he fully agreed.

Jennie ate the ice cream happily and fed Chae some. They were done filming now and they were just taking in the scenery. Lisa and Jisoo were giggling flirtatiously and it warmed Chae's heart. Turning to Jennie, she pecked her lightly on the cheek. A little surprised, some ice cream fell out of the spoon. She pouted sadly but it quickly vanished when she felt another peck. Chae watched as she smiled.

They made their way back to the hotel after picking up some dinner. Gathering in Jisoo and Lisa's room they shared the food in contentment. Jisoo had to internally slap herself because Chae's actions had nearly made her ignore the situation they're in. She'd enjoyed every moment and loved the fact that Lisa got to show off her creative skills. She watched as the others laughed at Lisa's dissatisfaction with a particular scene. One night's break is less than what they deserved from this nightmare. Jennie and Lisa thought similarly. Just for tonight they'd allow themselves to forget. 

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