Chapter Twenty Three

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Jisoo and Lisa waited downstairs. Each wished they could kiss the other but they were literally in front of the agency building where almost everyone who entered it knew they were teammates. They decided to reserve any urges for when they had some privacy. Jennie excited the building and they all made their way to Jisoo's car. Lisa sat at the back while Jennie sat up front.

"What took you so long?'' asked Jisoo as she reversed.

"I had to meet with YG," said Jennie. Lisa perked forward and asked Jennie to explain herself. The brunette took a moment to collect her thoughts and decided there was no harm in letting them know.

"Remember when he wanted to talk to me alone. Well he asked me to either take Chae's laptop or download as much data from it as I could," they listened to her intently.

"Anyway, I just met with him to say that I couldn't do it. Or more like I won't. I got an earful but he accepted it. Told me that I should remind us all about what he really wants us to do with Chae," she swallowed thickly.

Lisa took in the new load of information and wasn't surprised. However she had some lingering ideas. Jisoo voiced her thoughts.

"Why you? It would've made more sense to ask Lisa considering they're such good friends," she asked as she turned a corner.

"I thought the same thing but I think he knew that,"

"You'd be able to get her alone easily and with her guard down," finished Lisa. Jennie nodded her head and was not embarrassed by the conclusion. It was the truth.

"The real question is, how did he know that?'' Lisa queried. Her mind turned its gears as her suspicions of their boss grew larger.

"I think the real question is what made you change your mind Jen?" asked Jisoo. She saw that the look in the brunette's eyes was filled with determination as she answered purposefully.

"I just couldn't go through her belongings without her permission. Yeah she's been acting weird lately but I also don't really believe him," she said.

"You sure it's not something else?" asked Jisoo as she smirked knowingly at her friend. Jennie blushed at the implication.

"I'm with Jen, I don't believe him either," Lisa sat back and crossed her arms. They turned off an intersection and soon were passing a highly impoverished area. Hurdles of kids played in the unkempt streets as they drove along. Soon the shoddy houses were replaced by lines of trees. They drove for another 20minutes with thick forest surrounding them. Then, the trees ended and they were met by the sight of incredibly beautiful houses. This was an upscale area and each house looked like it could be on the cover of an architecture magazine.

Lisa unbuckled herself and ducked underneath the pile of blankets as they drove up to the gates that would lead them in to the Tanabe residence. The security barely checked the car and allowed them through. It was a secluded mansion in an already secluded neighbourhood. Jisoo parked nearby a tree. She and Jennie got out and made their way to the door. They rang the bell and waited. An elderly woman dressed in cleaning clothes opened for them. Upon introduction, she led them to the lounge area where the couple were expecting them. The room was big with an exorbitant fireplace. Lee and Isha Tanabe were seated beside each other and welcomed them warmly. They exchanged pleasantries before Lee steered them to their purpose.

"Did you find anything on the footage?" he asked

"Oh please, sweetheart. I'm sure this meeting wouldn't be happening if they didn't," Isha gave him a stern look.

"Ah, yes, ofcourse, my apologies," he smiled bashfully at the pair. Jisoo took out her laptop and got up briskly. She nudged herself between the couple and they moved to make room for her.

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