Chapter Forty Four

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Chae forced her legs to move forward. The adrenalin was coursing through her veins and she knew her heart was working overtime. Looking between potential corridors, she paused. Which one?

She waited when she heard feet scuffling in the corridor on the left. She hurriedly made her way through and prayed that she wasn't too late.

Cass dragged the brunette down and kicked the fallen gun even further away. Jennie threw a kick and it gave her momentary space between her and the blonde woman.

Cass charged forward and grabbed Jennie's neck. She spat in the brunette's face as she squeezed. The brunette fumbled underneath her and tried to fight. But the blonde was proving to be too strong.

Cass continued as she waited for Jennie's last breath to escape her. The brunette continued to fumble but she was losing energy. Her eyes rolled back as she started to lose consciousness.

Her back shuddered in pain as she released the brunette's neck. Another bullet pierced through her shoulder as she ran to the wall. Chae threw down the gun and tried to take out the other one.

Cass didn't give her a chance as she tackled her to the ground. She punched furiously but Chae heaved her off. The pink haired woman moved towards the blonde and began to throw her own punches.

A few hit her but Cass blocked the incoming one and kicked Chae in the stomach. She stumbled back and Cass tried to kick her in the face. Chae dodged the hit and the woman's leg fizzed by.

Cursing Cass tried to tackle her again but Chae moved in anticipation. She swung her leg and it connected with the blonde's face. Cass floored down as she felt her jaw loosen again. She was seeing stars.

Chae didn't hesitate as she jumped on the blonde and beat her fists down. She reached for the nearest gun and shot consistently in to the blonde's face. Blood spattered all over her as the rounds finished.

Releasing an exhausted breath she threw the gun away. Chae was so tired but she needed to go check on Jennie. The image of her lover's eyes rolling scared her shitless.

She dropped down and picked Jennie up. She said her name and slapped her cheeks lightly. Nothing. Chae began to trip.

But she forced herself to calm down. Reaching for the brunettes wrist, she brought her head down to Jennie's chest. Relaxing she felt and heard Jennie's pulse beat slowly.

She dragged them both towards the wall and she leaned back tiredly when they. Holding the brunette tightly in her arms, Chae allowed herself to cry. She forced herself to release years of grief.

Her body trembled as she clung on to Jennie. They stayed there like that for quite some time before the brunette's eyes fluttered open. She felt wetness drip upon her and felt her body shake.

Chae was still crying but stopped as fingers moved through her hair. Jennie gave her a weak smile and it made Chae cry even further. Laughing internally, Jennie was happy to know that this crybaby belonged to her

They held on to each other as they made their way out. Outside, Chae saw a battle field. Bodies laid all around. E'dawn's face was blown out of proportion while Hyuna leaned on him against the car. Lisa was fawning over Jisoo, but the purple haired girl was trying to tell her to relax. It was just a shoulder wound.

Jennie reached for Chae's hand as they made their way to the others. They helped pile everyone in and it appeared the pink haired woman was the only one capable of driving.

Chae stopped before climbing in. Her eyes looked longingly at the Dupont mansion. She kept the tears in as she stuck to her choice. The people in this car are what mattered to her. Blackpink mattered to her. Jennie mattered to her. Refusing to take one more glance in the mirror, she pushed on the accelerator and took them all home. 

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