Chapter Thirty Four

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Irene knew it was time to steer the conversation to what she really wanted to address. She'd assured Jennie that NCT's spy units were still collecting valuable information and that when they found something, Taeyong would let her know.

However, seeing the paleness of her friend with slightly visible rings around her eyes, Irene knew she needed to speak to her. Jennie drank on her cappuccino.

"Jen, listen. I know it's been stressful for you lately but I'm worried. Look at you," Irene waved a hand at her and Jennie's eyebrows pulled together.

"You look like a ghost, a very sleep deprived ghost. You need to take care of yourself honey," she grabbed her friends hand and Jennie could feel the concern.

"I know. It's just, I've been struggling to sleep and I'm worried sick about her. What if someone kills her Irene," the older woman let go.

She knew that Lisa and Jisoo wanted Chae back with Blackpink as well and they all had sacrificed their careers for this woman. But Jennie's concerns seemed much more...intimate.

She listened as her friend spoke of her anxiety and wondered what Chae was feeling. It plagued her all the time. Was Chae getting rest, eating, and breathing? Moreover, did she miss Jennie as much as the brunette missed her. She kept the last thought to herself.

"Jen, how close are you with Chae?" Irene just needed to hear verbal confirmation of her suspicions. The brunette looked at her friend and saw no harm in telling her. Actually she needed to talk to someone about it.

"We...we slept together," she sighed deeply.


"The night before she disappeared. In Japan. We...we had feelings for each other long before that though," she looked in to her friend's eyes and saw no judgment.

"I'm sorry Jen, that must have been fucking horrible."

"It was our first time together, I...I," Irene got up and pulled Jennie in to a hug. The brunette turned in to the embrace and let out her frustrations.

Cass and Hayoon watched as Irene and Jennie left the dingy café. Irene had an arm over Jennie and guided her safely in to her car. Jennie thanked her friend and Irene waved her off as she drove away. Heading to her own car, Irene walked with her hands in her pocket.

Hayoon started the car and they followed Jennie at a safe distance. However, there was another car following theirs as well.

Yuta and Jaehyun drove behind the car NCT's been constantly seeing around Jennie. They had yet to see who it was but was certain it was two women. It was clear that Jennie was unaware of it and they'd just seen her with their sunbaenim. Driving faster they, made sure not to be seen.

"Seems like your ex is collecting a harem. How does it feel to not be invited?" Cass peered at her black haired team mate and said nothing.

"You know I don't care what Jennie does. All we need is to get her and Blackpink so that we can get to Park Chaeyoung," she said.

"Should we kill her? Jennie I mean," Hayoon rolled the steering wheel as they saw Jennie turn a corner.

Her ex-girlfriend wasn't the person she held a grudge against. It was Park Chaeyoung and if YG didn't want the bitch alive, Cass knew exactly who she wanted to kill.

"No and I don't think we should. Then we'd have no leverage," but it might bring Chaeyoung directly to them. They parked as Jennie entered a convenient store.

Another car pulled up behind them, seemingly looking for a parking. Jennie came out with some groceries and headed off. Hayoon honked as the car behind them didn't move. They were currently enclosed and Jennie's car was driving further off.

Cass turned and saw that the driver of the car was waving his head around. He seemed to be still looking for a parking. Cass sighed as he didn't seem to care that he was in their way. Hayoon was about to slam in to the guy when they saw him move.

Cass gave them a middle finger as they drove off but Jennie's car was out of sight. Cursing they headed back towards their headquarters. Yuta giggled as Jaehyun gave a smug smirk. The women were heading in the opposite direction of Jennie and the boys high fived at the success of their plan. They continued to follow the two women and soon found themselves nearing YG agency.

They saw the women get out of the car and inside YG's building. They looked at each other and wondered if YG had sent a personal team to come and kill team Blackpink.

E'dawn watched as Hyuna sat drinking coffee behind Siyeon Li. The woman appeared to be on a phone call. The heat was stifling but the locals looked unaffected. He rolled down the car window and pouted at the lack of a breeze.

Hyuna sipped on her cocktail as she listened to Siyeon. They were surprised to see that she had even left the villa but with the strain in her voice, Hyuna could understand why.

"I need you to find out if YG is telling the truth, Reign. He's been telling Eric that Park Chaeyoung is dead but refuses to send me proof of a body," the voice spoke in reply.

"No Reign, no. We're not even allowed to mention her name around him, let alone get him to speak to YG. He's stubborn and doesn't want to listen to me," she took a bite of a fry.

"Just get me the fucking truth. I don't care how, that woman has been a pain in my neck for two years now. I need this shit to end," she slammed her phone on the table and finished her meal.

Hyuna got up as she saw Siyeon's car leaving. She spoke with E'dawn briefly before making a call. E'dawn drove them back to the apartment they're renting as Hyuna reaffirmed the weapons drop with their source. Tomorrow was going to be a big day and they needed to be fully prepared. 

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