Chapter Twenty

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The staircase spiralled upwards as blaring music softened behind them. The darkness above made the steps appear unending. Abruptly Mr Tanabe opened a door to his right and they were met by a dimly lit office. He positioned himself in the seat behind the desk and urged them to sit down. Jisoo pushed the chairs aside and they sat down. Smiling wryly, Mr Tanabe proceeded to light a cigar he took out of his front pocket.

"I hope you don't mind," he placed it between his lips.

Jennie did mind but Jisoo shook her head for the both of them. Steady tuffs of smoke escaped him as he began to type on the keyboard. His eyes beaded across the screen.

"What was the date again?"

They gave it to him and he punched it in. Jisoo handed him the flash and he dutifully inserted it in. Leaning back he offered the cigar. Jennie shook her head but was surprised to see Jisoo's hand reach for it. Her friend dragged slowly and the clouds of smoke coming out of her seemed enormous. It calmed her. He took out the flash drive and exchanged it with the cigar. Jisoo placed the object in to her pocket.

"I hope that footage helps you in some way. As you can see it gets so busy in here that neither I nor the staffs is really able to keep up with everyone's movements," he stated.

"I'm sure it will. Before we go, I just wanted to ask about the overdose incident which happened about a year ago. Do you remember anything unusual about that night?" asked Jennie

"Do I remember?" he took in the cigar

"That was literally the only time that ever happened. Isha's father was absolutely furious. Ade the King was meant to perform that evening but he had missed his flight. Only a few of his entourage members who had come the day before were here," the smoke left is nostrils.

"I guess it was for the best. That girl and her friends had smuggled in some drugs and regrettably it all went downhill here,'' he stood up.

They thanked him and he hurriedly left them in the office. They made their own way back and silently sifted through what they learnt. Sadly he was unable to verify whether Siyeon was at the event since it was open to the public. Her name was not on the VIP list either but he did provide them with the surveillance footage of the night she was there. Hopefully they could identify her. They made their way out to an upper level of the club. The place was buzzing and the music was titillating.

"I wonder who her father is?'' asked Jisoo

They discussed a few possibilities as they watched the people below them dancing. Isha's father must be highly important if that was the first point of concern Lee Tanabe had.

Jisoo leaned forward and sighed deeply. Jennie was about to ask what was wrong, when consistent cheers emerged from the crowd. They turned their attention to the right and saw a familiar blonde set of hair whipping away. Lisa was dancing incredibly to the beat of the music and the crowd around her loved it. Jisoo gawked as she saw her twerking on some unknown stranger.

"She's supposed to be observing the event," Jennie scrunched her eyebrows.

Jisoo was just as confused. After their make out session on her couch, Lisa had been avoiding her. It was subtle but the fact that they had not been alone with each other since then was a red flag. She had found herself sleepless thinking what she had done wrong. Surely she was not that bad of a kisser. They watched as a random guy pulled Lisa in to his arms and they began to dance together. The crowd filtered in to the dance floor but Jisoo's eyes were fixed on the couple. He began to move his hips vigorously. Grating her teeth, she made her way downstairs.

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