Chapter Forty Three

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Eric stumbled and it allowed Chae a chance to shoot. It hit his leg and he yelled in pain. She stopped to gain her breath as she saw the man crawl. Sweat dripped down her face as her heart sped.

He was right there. She began to hyperventilate at the realisation that she'd finally reached her goal. He continued to slowly move towards the next turn. She had to calm down.

He needed to know. He needed to know what he's made her in to. He stopped in exhaustion. Turning his head around, she saw him crying for the first since she's known him. He was mumbling hysterically.

"I'm, Gain," he wept.

She shivered at hearing his name for her. Her own eyes were stinging with tears at the sound of it. She pushed herself off the wall and was about to make her way to him. Suddenly a series of shots rang through.

"CHAE! CHAE!" her head whipped at the familiar voice. It was Jennies. More shots were heard behind her. Her pulse increased as she stood frozen.

Cass flung towards the brunette. Jennie's own gun fell out of her hands as she struggled against the other woman. The blonde dragged her down another corridor as she muffled the brunette's mouth.

"CHAE!" she heard her scream before the darkness turned silent.

Eric began to crawl again as he continued to mumble. Chae's head whipped back and forth between him and the area where she heard the scream. The tears fell hopelessly. She turned to Eric. This is it. This is all she's ever wanted.


Turning around Chae began to run in to the darkness. The tears poured out of her as she rushed to reach the love of her life. This is all she's ever wanted but Jennie was much much more. 

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