little things (4)

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seans pov

it was Friday and Sean was headed to rehearsals, a beaming smile on his face. One that been stuck there since the start of the week. Kaycee had given theatre a whole new light, he started to notice the little things she did, pulling on her braids when she got nervous, blushing when he called her princess, tapping her fingers on her knee to keep tempo when she sang. All the girls were jealous of her, seans leading princess, her very first year. 

Sean knew that the girls in theatre liked him, they were always looking for his attention, showing off in class, dressing in short skirts and tight shirts, hoping to capture his eye, but Sean didn't care about them, none of them had ever seemed worth it. He had tried in the past sure, but after a few weeks, it became apparent to him that they were only using him for their status, and that they didn't care for him. That was where he believed the awful rumours sprung from, the girls who, after Sean had confronted them about how much they actually liked him, began to tell their friends he had dumped them. He hated how the school saw him, it wasn't who he was.

But she... she saw through that. Or at least he thought she did, although he could tell that it still had an effect on her,  the way she flinched away from his touch, even if he sat too close, or their fingers brushed when picking up their scripts, he could feel her tense. Sean was determined to show her who he really was, and he hoped she wouldn't be like the others.

he pushed open the doors to the auditorium, early as always, to find her sitting on the stage alone, head in her hands. stepping up onto the stage, moving towards her he said softly, not wanting to scare her.

"kaycee?, whats wrong?" she looked up, her eyes were filled with tears.

"nothing, nothing.." she wiped the corners of her eyes with the sleeve of the sweatshirt she wore, moving to stand.

"hey, hey, its ok. tell me whats wrong." Sean grabbed her hand, pulling her back down, both seated on the stage. He felt her tense, slowly pulling her hand away. "kaycee, i'm not going to hurt you." he was determined to help her.

"I just can't get this song." she said, her eyes glued to the floor. "and the whole cast already hates me and..." she went to continue but Sean stopped her.

"who cares if the cast hates you? Miss Janelle doesn't hate you, I don't hate you. I actually think you're pretty freaking incredible." Sean smiled at the small girl, wishing so bad that she could see herself how he saw her. "now show me which song."

Kaycee pulled out her script and flipped to the page she was looking for. 

"this one, the one she sings to make her hair glow." she said, showing Sean the lyrics.

"ok, sing it for me." he said matter of factly, closing his eyes.

"why are your eyes shut?" she asked

"so I can hear you better, now sing." his eyes still shut. There was silence for a few moments before she started singing. Sean took a deep breath , it was the first time hearing her sing without the background noise of the rest of the cast since the auditions, he had missed her voice.

flower, gleam and glow

let your power shine

make the clock reverse

bring back what once was mine

She sounded incredible, raw, vulnerable, but he could tell she was having trouble hitting a few of the notes.

"see! it sounds awful!" she pressed her forehead into the heels of her hands.

"no, kaycee, it sounds gorgeous, its just those last few notes." he said, taking a deep breath before his next sentence, worried about how she might react. "how about you come over after rehearsal tonight and we can work on it together?"

kaycees head tilted back, enough to look Sean in the eyes.

"actually?" she said, as if confused to why he was asking such a question.

"I mean ya, miss Janelle did say we should get to know each other better and then we can get in some extra practice time." he flashed the small smile he saved only for her, praying she would agree

"I guess that would be ok..." she said nervously

"perfect!" he beamed, jumping up to his feet offering his hand to help her up, figuring she wouldn't take it, as per usual. Just before he lowered it, she surprised him, taking his hand, letting him pull her to meet him. They both froze, realizing how close they were. wow Sean thought, looking at the incredible girl standing before him.

"what was that?" she asked, the adorable blush rising to her cheeks.

"did I say that out loud?" Sean let go of her hand, a small panic set in, not wanting to wreck what little trust she had put in him.

"yes you did shamu." she laughed, her face as red as the curtains that ran along the stage, he assumed his was as well.

"shamu?" he asked, returning the laugh.

"ya, if you say Sean lew really fast, it kinda sounds like shamu..." she demonstrated, making him laugh even harder, "you have a dumb nickname for me, so I figured I should de the same for you." she flashed a smile, making seans heart race.

"whatever princess, lets go grab some water before everyone gets here." shaking his head at her. Her smile ruined him.


an// sorry for the short chapter, the next ones going to be a soft one so be prepared.

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thank you so much for already almost 500 reads in just a few hours! thats insane!

-love you guys:) <3

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