anything for you (17)

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an// im sorry in advance, this is a massive filler chapter. so its kinda random and all over the place. 

This story is going to so much better from this point on so be prepared for drama, heartbreak, and soft seaycee.


In the few months that followed their return from camp, sean and Kaycee fell into a comfortable balance. Both knowing not to push the thin line of boundaries they had created, but still feeling as though there was something more than just 'friends' between them. Kaycee still got nervous and doubtful at times, still being scared about what would happen when they finally broke through the barrier between what they were now and something more. But she knew, deep down, that sean would always be there for her.

They spent most of their winter holidays together, aside from Christmas day, which was spent with their families. They laid on the couch, watching movies, wrapped up together in the same blanket, knowing they both had a deepened need to be close to the other. Kaycee's head rested on his chest while sean traced circles on her stomach with her thumb. There were a few moments during their short break, where sean almost couldn't stop himself, wanting so badly to place his lips on hers.


"sean!" kaycee exclaimed, as sean wiped his floury hand on her forehead. The kitchen was a mess from kaycees attempt at trying to help him make the Christmas cookies. Sean raised his hands above the laughing girls, patting his hand togther, making the powder rain down on her.

"shamu!!" she yelled, not being able to contain her laughter. She covered the top of her head with her hands, trying to move away from him. He could see her trying to inch away from him, but sean had other ideas, wrapping his arms around her waist, lowering his body to wipe his powder covered face on her t-shirt, kaycee leaned back away from him, her back arching over his arms. "noo!!"

"cmon kayc," he said teasingly, making sure all the flour was off of him. "you know you love me." he froze as soon as the words left his mouth, knowing that those words had been taken off the table for the time being. Kaycee returned to her standing position, her eyes locking with his. Seans arms still encircled her small waist, bringing them impossibly close, he lowered his head, feeling Kaycee's own forehead lean against his. Their eyes flickered together, as kaycee wrapped her arms loosely around his neck.

"kayc..." Sean said quietly, raising one of his hands from her waist to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. "you've got a little something. right. there." he said, moving his hand to brush flour off of the tip of her nose.

kaycee, knowing something would happen if she stayed there any longer, moved forward. Her head tucked into his shoulder, tightening her grip on him. Sean leaned into the hug, his lips brushing on the skin between her neck and shoulder, sending shivers up her spine.


their friends could tell that something was different between the two, noticing the longing glances and the blushes that always found their way to kaycee's face when he entered the room.

tahani had learned, after a few small spats with kaycee, not to bug them about it. she knew, as well as the rest of them, that the two were in a weird place, something that could be blown out of balance with a slight breeze. As much as julian and tahani wanted them to be together, they knew that the two would have to figure it out on their own, no matter how annoyingly bad they were at it.


Near the start of the new year, just before everyone started second semester, kaycee was over at seans, practicing for the musical, as well as showing him some songs she'd been working on in her free time.

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