never been kissed (5)

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kaycees pov

"here we are!" Sean said, pulling into what kaycee supposed was his driveway. He gave her a smile and opened up his door. Before kaycee could even put her hand on the door handle it swung open, Sean standing there,  a smug look on his face.

"only the best for my princess." kaycee rolled her eyes at the boy, stepping out of the car. She always told him that she hated being called his princess, but she noticed and appreciated that he only did so when they were alone. They headed in the front door after grabbing their bags, kaycee gasping at the sheer size of seans house. It was beautiful, clean and simple, not exactly what she was expecting from the 'bad boy'. Immediately kaycee tensed, she was in seans house... and she didn't know what to expect. she was nervous to be around him, especially alone, but at least there were others nearby at school. here, she was completely alone. Sean must have noticed her tense because he turned to her as they sat down at the table.

"kaycee, i'm not going to hurt you. I swear." he looked genuinely concerned at how she was feeling. If tahani was there she would have told her not to fall for his tricks, but kaycee couldn't help it, he looked so innocent, so harmless. She took a deep breath, pushing out negative thoughts, determined to be present with him, to give him fair chance before she believed the rumours.

"im sorry, im just a little overwhelmed." she gave a small laugh, "i've never been to a boys house before." she felt an enormous heat rise to her face, 100% sure that she shouldn't have said that.

"actually?" he asked, a look of confusion taking over his face. "I would've thought a girl like you would have boys crawling after her." he added, running his hands through his messy dark hair.

"a girl like me? what do you mean." kaycees heart quickened, completely unsure of what his answer would be.

"well, beautiful." Sean said, rising as he walked over the fridge.

Kaycee was silent, her heart racing, her mind not sure that she had heard him correctly.

"kaycee whats wrong?" Sean said, turning back, noticing her silence.

"sorry its just... no ones ever called me beautiful before..." she looked down at her hands that were placed in her lap, below the table.

"that can't be true." Sean protested, but kaycees head did a small nod.

"well anyways... are you hungry?" Sean asked, returning to the fridge.

"I could eat.." she laughed, breaking the tension that present. "what can chef shamu make me?"

"anything his princess wants, Shamu likes to think he is a pretty good chef." he smiled at her, his dimples becoming visible, making kaycee want to go over and poke his cheeks.

"well if thats true, surprise me." she dared, smiling at the boy across the kitchen. Sean nodded his head and began to did through the fridge pulling out ingredients, kaycee stood up ad moved to sit at the bar stools that were positioned at the counter, allowing her to watch him work.

"now what makes Sean lew such a great chef?" she questioned, genuinely curious.

"well, I was on chopped junior when I was 8 and won." he looked up at her, laughing.

"actually?! thats crazy!" she laughed, realizing how little she really knew about him. "miss Janelle said she wanted us to get to know each other better, right?"

"ya, she said we needed to have a closer connection for the play." Sean said, occupied by the meal he was preparing.

"ok, well then lets ask each other questions, because I actually don't really know anything about you." kaycee said, trailing off, hoping he wouldn't think her idea to be stupid.

i see the light// seayceeWhere stories live. Discover now