the very essence of romance is uncertainty (14)

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"you don't love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear."

-oscar wilde


Sean and kaycee stayed wrapped in each others arms in the clearing for what seemed like hours,  startled out of it by a chime from their phones. a message from miss janelle sent to the whole group, alerting them it was time to come back to camp. They looked at each other, smiling sweetly, both disappointed their time had been seemingly cut short. Sean stood first, holding out his hand to kaycee, pulling her up to meet him. Surprising him, she reached up, wrapping her arms around his neck, embracing him. He smiled, holding her tightly to him, pushing his face into her hair.

"thank you Sean." she said so quietly he almost didn't hear her.

"for what kayc?" 

"for treating me like im worth something to you." he felt her smile into his skin, the whisper of her lips brushing along his neck.

"you're worth everything to me and more kaycee." he replied calmly, slowly breaking apart to look her in the eyes. "never forget that."

He could see the pink glow on her cheeks, the sun reflecting in her hazel eyes, her beauty shinning through. 

They made their way back to camp, ankles scratching on the bushes, hearing the bird calls around them, hands clasped. As they stepped into the campground from the forest, they both dropped hands, silently knowing neither of them wanted anyone to make assumptions about the two.

They ate supper beside each other, surrounded by their friends, Sean chatted with some of the boys at their table, but couldn't help but look at her as she giggled with bailey and Tate. She must have sensed his glances, raising her eyes to his, smiling quickly before returning to her conversation, the blush on her face a reminder of his effect on her.


It was tradition to have a bonfire the first night of camp, everyone seated in lawn chairs around the warmth. Everyone laughing at seans inability to roast a marshmallow, causing kaycee to take his stick from him, shaking her head as she handed him the one she has just made.

"finally found something you're bad at shamu." she laughed, sticking her tongue out jokingly. he returned the gesture as he watched her place another sweet on the metal stick, placing it over the fire, taking a bite of the one she had given him. 

"being shown up by your girlfriend lew?" Bailey said from her spot a few chairs away from him. Kaycee immediately looked up from her view on the fire, Sean could see the small panic in her eyes.

"she's not my girlfriend." he said calmly. "were friends." gazing over at the small girl in the chair next to his.

"ya bails, were just friends." she added, smiling at her friend, although it didn't quite reach her eyes. 

This earned an eye roll from bailey and Tate, who whispered quietly to each other. Kaycee kept her eyes glued to the marshmallow she was roasting, but Sean couldn't his eyes off of her, trying to figure out what was going on inside her head.


It had gotten later, and darker. The fire was growing weaker as the hours passed, many of the cast having gone to bed already. Still, a few sat around of the fire, Sean and kaycee being two of them. A guitar was being passed around, many sharing songs, the music sounding heavenly mixed with the sounds of nature as backup. They all sat quietly, listening intently as many shared their passion, everyone different than the last. At last, the guitar fell in seans lap, everyone immediately perking up slightly, looking forward to what he would sing. He held it for a moment before glancing over at kaycee, who had kept a steady stare at the fire since baileys comment.

i see the light// seayceeWhere stories live. Discover now