addicted to her(8)

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"i can't believe i actually agreed to this." tahani said grudgingly as her and kaycee made their way to meet sean for lunch. kaycee looked over at her friend and gave her a stern look hoping she would be on her best behaviour.

"he's actually a really nice guy once you get to know him t, i promise. just give him a chance please." kaycee pleaded.

"fine fine... oh look there's your prince." she said, pointing to sean and his friend julian, who kaycee had heard a lot about.

"he's not my prince tahani." kaycee muttered as they neared the boys.

sean immediately sensed their presence and turned around.

"hey princess!" he said, a wide grin on his face. tahani gave her friend a pointed look as if to say 'not your prince, hey?" kaycee just rolled her eyes at the girl before bringing her focus back to him.

"hey sean, and youre julian right?" kaycee asked giving a sweet smile.

"at your service." he grinned.

"tahani, this is sean." kaycee said, giving her friend a look, begging her to be nice.

"we've talked." sean said, giving a small laugh as he remembered the call he had gotten from the small girl just a few nights before.

"what? when?" kaycee looked between the two, confused.

"tahani gave me quite the talking to over the phone a couple nights ago." sean laughed.

"t! you didn't!" kaycee said, not believing her friend would do such a thing.

"i had to make sure his intentions were good." tahani said, shrugging. Sean ushered the group along with him, as they exited towards the lawn of the school. many tables were positioned around the lawn with many more people surrounding them, all chattering and laughing. Julian and sean walked through the crowd, making sure the girls were following by taking a glance behind them every couple steps. in kaycees eyes, everyone in the area was looking at them, it was an unusual site to see not only a girl, but a girl and her friend with sean lew.

they took a seat at a table at the edge of the lawn, from their spot, you could see the whole crowd, who was eminently watching them.

"why are they all looking at us?" kaycee said, looking up at sean as they sat down across from julian and tahani.

"not us. you." sean smiled, his dimples showing proudly. Kaycee blushed, still not entirely sure why the whole student body was looking at her. they were just friends, weren't they?

the 4 of them ate lunch filling the table with conversation. kaycee learned that julian was a really funny guy and liked to pick on sean, something that him and tahani immediately bonded over. a few times, sean would move a little closer towards kaycee on the picnic bench, their shoulders brushing every once in a while. every time they touched, seans heart raced, just wanting to be near her. it was almost like he was addicted to her; her hair, which she had worn down for the first  time since he'd met her, her small stature, making sean want to protect her at all costs, the small laugh she did, as if trying to conceal a world of laughter, her eyes, brown like copper, with flecks of green like emeralds, he got lost in them, and his favourite part of her, her smile, the one he had only seen her give him, her cheeks rosy, eyes locked on his.

sean wondered if this was what addicts felt like, wanting something so badly but no being able to have it. he wanted to wrap his arms around her, run his hands through her curls. he wanted to hold her hand and kiss her in the rain, he wanted to do anything and everything with her, but he couldn't.

as the time ran closer to the end of their break, the group stood up, saying their good byes.

"thanks for inviting us, we both had a really great time." kaycee said, looking between her and tahani.

"hey speak for yourself kc!" tahani said in protest. "but i had a good time as well, you two aren't as bad as i thought you'd be." she gave a cautionary smile, extending her hand out to the two boys, shaking one by one.

"it was our pleasure." sean beamed, just glad he got to spend more time with kaycee. "we should do it again sometime, how about tomorrow?" he laughed, shrugging.

"i'm all for it! i like these girls." julian spoke up, placing his arm on seans shoulder.

"i think we could swing that." kaycee blushed, wondering why he wanted to spend more time with her than he already had to.

"ok well we'll see you guys tomorrow." tahani said, turning around and leading kaycee back towards the school for 5th period.

sean quickly grabbed kaycees hand, swinging her back around to face him.

"i'll see you at rehearsal princess." he gave her one of his smiles, the one he saved for her. kaycee didn't reply but squeezed his hand lightly before running back to catch up with tahani.

"wow she's really got you whipped bud." julian said, laughing.

an// sorry for the late update, haven't had as much time as i'd like for writing.

would you guys prefer more updates with shorter chapters or less frequent updates but have them be longer? let me know. also let me know what you guys think of this story so far? i know not a lot has happened yet but trust me we're getting there, next updates gonna be a sad one.

anyways, thanks for all your continued support, you guys are honestly the best.

-love you guys:)

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