chapter 7

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Chapter 7

                After a moment of getting comfortable, I moved on top of him.

                He smirked.  "Have a good veiw?"

                "Absolutely," I said as I gently kissed his lips.  He moaned.

                "I'm not sure how much longer I will be able to keep this from the others.  I don't like having to be without you, acting as if you are nothing more than a comrade," he said.

                "I was thinking along the same lines.  Perhaps we can tell them we are together," I said as I kissed him again.

                "Mmm...I'll have...Optimus call a...meeting later," he said between kisses.  "You're killing me, Static."  He moved one of his hands so that it was on the back of my neck.  He moved the other to my lower back.  I put mine on the sides of his face.

                "'re killing me," I smiled and he held my face to his, the connection of our lips unbreakable.  He kissed me hungrily.  It turned into a very passionate kiss, like none we had ever had before.  He held my body close to his.  I moaned and felt his lips curve into a smile.  His tongue went across my bottom lip and I opened my mouth, granting him access.  Our tongues fought for dominance and his quickly won.

                I moaned but then pulled back as a sudden thought popped into my processor.  "Slag it."

                "What's wrong?" he asked, concern clearly showing in his eyes.

                "We've got to get my armor changed.  People will get curious as to why it's taking so long.  You know how it is.  Curiosity turns into rumors."

                "I suppose you are right," he said.  I kissed him one more time before moving off of him.  He got up.  "Lie on the berth."  I did as he said.  He moved over to where the different kinds of armor were.  "Medium or heavy armor?" he mumbled to himself.  He hummed.  He looked back at me.  "Not very bulky...femme...medium will be required," he finally decided.  He turned back and gathered the necessary armor and latches along with a wrench. 

                "I'll have to change your armor latches so they will be able to suit the larger armor."  He set his equipment down on the table next to the berth.  He paused and looked over at me.  "Are you comfortable with me seeing your protoform?"

                "It's not like you haven't done this before," I said.  "Besides, you'll be working.  Strictly business."

                "I have done this before, but only for mechs.  You are right, however.  I am strictly professional when I am doing my duties.  Let's get going." 

                He began to take off my armor, piece by piece.  He took off the old latches and put on the new ones.  He tightened the bolts on them with the wrench.  He then began to put on my new armor.  Soon, the job was completed.

                "You are finished," he said.  I got up off of the berth.  My new, extra weight threw me off balance.  I quickly steadied myself.

                "That's going to take some getting used to."  I noticed I was a few inches taller than I was before.

                "It may be difficult for the first few moments, but it will be worth it while you are on the battlefield."  I nodded at his reply.  "You ready for that meeting?"  I smiled and nodded once more.  He began to speak into his comm link.  "Ironhide to Optimus...Can you gather the Autobots for a meeting?...All of the ones here.  Those on recon can be informed later...Thank you."  He spoke to me again, "Now we must wait for the location of said meeting."  We didn't have to wait long.  The call came just seconds later.

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