chapter 8

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Chapter 8

When I returned, I saw that Bumblebee was still asleep.  I scanned him to see if his vitals were still good.  They were.  I then leaned against the desk and watched him.  A couple of hours later I got a comm, making me jump.

-The femmes are on their way-Jazz

-Copy that-Static

A few minutes later, the med bay doors opened and the three femmes rolled in.

“Hello, Static.  It is good to see you again,” said Chromia.

“It is good to see you as well,” I said.  I then scanned them.  “It would appear that you don’t have any damage.  You are free to go.”

“Thank you for checking us,” Elita1 said.

“You are welcome.”  They rolled out of the room, the doors closing shut behind them.

“Ugh.”  I turned around and saw Bumblebee moving.  I scanned him.

“How are you feeling?” I asked.

“Better than before I got knocked out,” he replied.

“I would hope so.  It took me a while to repair you.”

“Thanks,” he smiled.

“Anytime,” I responded.   Ratchet walked in.

“What’s this?  What happened?” Ratchet asked while scanning Bumblebee.

“Bumblebee had a number of bad wounds.  I repaired him and he just woke up.  The femmes are fine.  I scanned them minutes ago.”

Ratchet smiled with what looked like pride. 

“Bumblebee, you are free to leave.  Take it easy for a few days.  Don’t overwork yourself.  There will be a meeting later for you and the femmes.  Just letting you know,” I said.

“Yes, ma’am,” Bumblebee replied and walked out.

“Such an adorable little scout,” I smiled.  I turned to my superior.  “Ratchet?”


“A human came into the med bay last night.  Lennox said you are to decide his punishment at the base he will be relocated to.”

“A human?!  They aren’t suppose to be in here!” he said, clearly furious.

“I am fully aware.  I took care of the situation.  He is currently in the brig where I put him.”

“Which one was it?” he asked.

“It’s designation was Teison.”

“I never liked him,” Ratchet growled.

“Neither have I and I only saw him the one time.  Called me a beast and an it!  The nerve of him!”  I shook my head.

“I will speak with Optimus and Lennox later about it.  Did anything else occur while I was in stasis?”

“Not a thing.  We should be getting some more armor in later.  I commed Ironhide for some earlier.”

“That’s good.  We were getting quite low in our stock pile,” he said, looking over to where we kept the armor.  He turned back to me.  “You can take the whole day off.  The schedule can be discussed at a later date.  You clearly need recharge.”

“Thank you, Ratchet.  I will be in my quarters if you need me.”  He nodded and I then walked out.

I put the code into the panel and went into my room once the door opened.  It closed behind me and I laid on the berth.  I closed my optics but quickly reopened them when I heard the door open.  Ironhide walked through.  I pretended to be asleep.  Once he made sure the door was closed, he came over to the berth and quietly climbed on behind me.  I felt his arm go over my waist.  I snuggled back into him.

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