chapter 20

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Chapter 20

                All of us sat down in the meeting room.  Sunstreaker came with Sideswipe since he didn't want to be left out.  Optimus had allowed it.

                "Did Sideswipe teach you well during your training yesterday?"Optimus asked.

                "Oh please," I said.  "I taught him."

                "What!" Sideswipe exclaimed.

                "Yeah," Sunstreaker said.  "She had him on his aft!"

                "What?!" Sides yelled.  "No she didn't!"

                "He's right, Sunny.  I think you're exaggerating a little bit.  I only had one of my swords up to his throat," I said.  Sunstreaker laughed while he shook his head.

                "I'm glad to hear you did well.  What is the outcome of your ability training?" our leader asked.

                "I learned how to strike from a distance with it as well as create a force field.  Anyone inside will have the upper hand instantly.  Nothing gets in, but everything can get out," I informed him and everyone else.

                "Excellent.  Static and Mirage, you two will be going on your espionage mission soon.  With Mirage's ability, no bot will be able to see you.  With your ability, no bot will be able to touch you.  When does everyone thing is the best time to go?  The sooner we get it done, the better."

                "Today can be taken to prepare.  They should embark tomorrow morning," Ratchet commented.

                "That sounds acceptable," Optimus said.

                "What about Ironhide?" I questioned.  "Should he be here when we go so he can be on standby?"

                "You will not be engaging the Decepticons on this mission, therefore that will not be necessary."   I nodded in understanding.  "Does anyone have a different plan to debate?"  No one said anything.  "Very well."  He looked to Mirage and me.  "You two will meet up tomorrow at dawn on the airstrip.  You will be using the hovercraft as I said before.  It has cloaking technology, so you will not have to worry about it being seen while you are doing your mission.  Remember, you are to infiltrate the ship, find out what they want, and get out.  You are all dismissed.  I walked out next to Mirage.

                "So what are you going to do in the meantime?" I asked him.

                "Perhaps sharpen my blades.  And maybe go into recharge after that," he said as he looked at the blades on his arms.  I nodded.  "What are you going to do?"

                "I'll probably talk to Ironhide and do whatever else comes to my mind."

                "Sounds exciting," he said as he yawned.

                "Oh, shutup!" I said as we both started laughing.

                "I'll see you in the morning."

                "I'll see you as well," I said before we parted ways.  I walked to where I knew Sideswipe and Sunstreaker would be, which is also known as the rec room.  I walked in and saw they were playing cyberball, the equivalent to Earth's dodgeball.

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