chapter 12

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Chapter 12

                "Sunstreaker?!" I heard Sideswipe say.  "Don't hurt him, Static!  He's my twin!"

                "Very well," I said, releasing the charge from my hands.  "You look weakened.  Do you require assistance?  Healing of any sorts?"

                "I could use some sealant and some bolts tightened up.  You a medic?"

                "As a matter of fact, I am," I replied as I took out some sealant and wrenches.

                "You just carry that stuff around?" he asked.  I started repairing him.

                "It's only the standard equipment for a medic to carry around," I replied.

                "If you're a medic, how come I never saw you at the hospital in Iacon?"

                "For the very same reason I'm here," I answered.  "I did not want myself to be known of by the Decepticons.  I deleted all of my files from the system and worked in secret."

                "Why didn't you want yourself to be known?  We needed all the medics we could get!"  He seemed to be getting annoyed.

                "I'm not just any medic, Sunstreaker.  I can bring any mech or femme back to life.  If the Decepticons knew about me, they would have captured me like they have now and use me for their cause.  Luckily, they know nothing about me.  Not even my name."  I finished repairing him and scanned him for any more injuries.  He was slightly low on energon, but there was nothing I could do about that at the moment.  It would have to wait until we were off of this wretched excuse for a ship.

                "Oh.  In that case, it's a good thing you stayed hidden.  One less advantage for them."


                "Static, what is Sunstreaker's condition?" Optimus asked.

                "He's stable.  Low on energon.  Nothing I can do for-"

                "Bring the femme!" Firewing yelled as the door opened.  "Interrogations must begin immediately!"

                "Sir, yes, sir!"

                "Be brave, be strong," Optimus said.

                "Don't worry about me," I whispered.  A mech walked up to my cell.

                "Hello, femme.  Firewing wishes for your presence," he snarled.  He threw open the cell door.  He walked in and grabbed my arm, roughly pulling me out.

                "Have some respect for a femme.  Did you treat your carrier like this?" I asked innocently.

                "Silence, femme!" he shouted as he pulled me through the halls of the Nemesis.  I noticed a lack of security.  None was needed since we were in the air.  He shoved me into a room and my hands were quickly cuffed my electromagnetic chains.  He walked out and was replaced with Firewing.

                "Hello.  It's nice of you to join us," he smirked.

                "It's great to be here!" I said enthusiastically.  "This sure is a swell place you've got going!  My only suggestion is to put some entertainment in the brig.  It gets quite boring."

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