chapter 13

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Chapter 13

                When I woke, Sunstreaker and Jolt were gone.  Ratchet was off to the side looking at his monitors.  I shifted and his head quickly turned in my direction.

                "You're awake," he stated.

                "It would appear so.  How long was I out?" I asked.

                "A week and a half...," he answered carefully.  "We've been worried."

                My eyes widened as realization hit me.  Ironhide must have been a wreck from my condition.  Ratchet read my mind as he answered.

                "I've been making him recharge.  He refused at first.  I threatened him with the fact that you would beat him with a wrench when you found out.  He moved quickly then."

                I chuckled weakly.  "That's Ironhide for ya." I checked my internal clock.  It was 5:56 am.  "That reminds me.  You haven't been taking every night shift since then, have you?"

                "I slipped in a few naps here and there...," he mumbled.

                "Meaning you fell into recharge from exhaustion.  The second I am cleared, you will go take as long as a recharge as you can get," I frowned at him.

                "Normally I would argue," he sighed tiredly.

                "Why don't you get Jolt to take a few night shifts?  He'll be fine with it," I suggested.

                "I like to be certain of your condition.  You mean more to us all than you could possibly know.  I'm glad you are doing well," he said, trying to get off of the subject.

                "I am as well.  Am I allowed visitors yet?" I questioned.  I saw through Ironhide's screen that he was still in recharge.

                He scanned me.  "I suppose.  You seem to be stable enough."  I quickly sent Ironhide a message through the com link to come see me when he woke up.  I also turned off my E.C.D.  "Optimus, she has awoken.  She is cleared for visitors."  I supposed he said it through his com link.  "Of course."

                "Optimus is awake?  He needs to recharge!" I complained.

                "He's an early riser.  Plus, he hasn't been recharging well.  He's been very worried about you."

                "Is everyone worried about me?  Primus!  It's like you all think I'm not strong enough to pull through this.  Have some faith in me!  I mean, if I could survive on the Decepticon warship, I'm pretty sure I can survive anything."

                "Don't be so sure of yourself.  Everyone has their flaws.  One slip up and you could be offlined."

                "I guess you're right," I sighed.  "So what's on the agenda for today?"

                "Well," he began, "I believe your schedule will be full of visitors.  My schedule will be making sure that they don't stress you and that you remain in stable condition.  We will run some tests later."

                "What about Jolt?" I asked.

                "He'll be making sure that your visitors stick to the visitor policy."

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