chapter 9

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Chapter 9

                "Yes.  Let's go," I replied.

                "She's absolutely ready!  I told her she was off duty today.  I don't know why she's still in here.  Get out!  Scat!" Ratchet commanded

                I laughed, " Bye, Ratchet.  Bye, Jolt.  See you tomorrow."

                "Goodbye, Static," said Ratchet.

                "See ya later," Jolt called.

                I walked with Jazz out of the med bay. 

                "So, how are ya liking our base?" He asked.

                "It's alright.  I could use more time to get out, but other than that it is fine."

                "I know what you mean," he chuckled.  "I couldn't stand no training or getting off of this island for very long.  It's a good thing I've got Dino, Sideswipe, Bumblebee, and those two nuisance twins.  It would be utterly boring around here if I wouldn't be able to train with them."

                "Yes.  I'm lucky I can even work in the med bay.  At least I get to do something.  I might do some target practice later with Ironhide helping.  I'm not a long range kind of bot."

                We turned a corner in our journey to outside the base and jumped in surprise.

                "I heard my name," Ironhide said.  "What about me?"  We continued walking with Ironhide following beside me.

                "I was just saying I might have you help me with target practice later," I explained.  He nodded in understanding.  "Did you get the order for the med bay?"

                "Yes.  I've already got it taken care of."

                "Alright, this is where we transform," Jazz said.  We had arrived outside the base.

                "I'll see you later, Static," Ironhide said.

                -I'll be waiting.-Ironhide

                I could hear the smirk in his voice over the comm.  I simply smiled and transformed along with Jazz.

                -Are you sure you can do off road?  Your alternate mode doesn't look like it can particularly handle it.-Static

                -I'll be aight.  I'm a tough bot!-Jazz

                I chuckled.

                -If you say so.-Static

                We then raced over the dirt and around palm trees.  We soon arrived at the tip of the island, on sand.  We transformed.

                "This junk is getting stuck in my gears," I complained.  I tried to shake it out, to no prevail.

                "We're gonna have ta go see Ratchet when we're through," he sighed.  "He won't be mad since he put us up to this."

                "You're right."

                "He wouldn't be mad at you since you're a medical officer.  He likes you," he smiled.

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