chapter 14

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Chapter 14

                "Affirmative.  The young bot has been missing the boy.  They have bonded as friends over the years," Ratchet replied.

                "How come I was not informed of this?" I questioned.

                "You've been in stasis for the past week and a half.  It only came up four days ago," Ratchet explained.

                "Slag it all!  I'm always down for the count when something happens!" I complained.

                "It will be alright," Ratchet calmed me.  "Why are you so upset by it?"

                "I hate missing the action.  And I just can't get the idea into my processor."

                "Fair enough.  Would you like to begin running tests?"

                "Sure," I stated.  "I've got nothing else to do.  So what are we doing first?"

                "See how much you can move around.  Don't try to get up.  Just move your arms and legs."  I did as he informed me.  I was able to slowly get each of my arms and legs off of the berth.  "You'll require more energon.  More rest for sure.  Try transforming your arms."  I transformed my right arm into a plasma cannon.  I transformed my left arm into my surgical saw.  Both were accomplished with only little difficulty.  "Yes.  More energon and rest.  You should be cleared by tomorrow evening."

                "Thanks.  You're a miracle doctor."

                "Hardly.  Jolt, go get Dino."  Jolt walked out of the room.  "I'd like for you to see him before you rest.  He wanted to see you when he heard that you weren't waking up."  He hooked the energon pump back up to me and a few minutes later, Jolt returned with Mirage.

                "Hello.  I know you've probably heard this a million times already, but it's good to see you awake."

                "Thanks," I smiled.

                "AGAIN?!" Ratchet asked.  "Fine!  Send them in."   I looked to the chief medical officer with confusion.  All of it was cleared when Jazz dragged in the two little irksome bots known as Skids and Mudflap.  He threw them both on a berth and then shook his head as he walked out.

                Ratchet walked between their berths and beat them both on the head with a couple of wrenches.  "What did you slaggers have to fight about this time?!  Don't answer!"  The two bots had apparently been taught to shut their vocal processors when they were in the med bay.

                "I'll leave you all to your business," Mirage chuckled as he walked out.  Jolt walked over to me.

                "Go into stasis, Static.  They will only raise your stress levels."  I quickly complied and felt myself going under until everything went black.

                I opened my optics and felt completely refreshed.  I felt as though I could do anything.  My internal clock told me that it was 1:56 pm.

                "Ratchet!" I called out.

                I heard a gasp before he said, "Calm down.  I'm right here."  He scanned me as he walked over.  "I was beginning to think it was going to be another week before you woke up again."

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