chapter 26

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Chapter 26

                That's when what someone said stopped me in my tracks.  They were talking about me.  I was excited to hear what people were saying about me.  I didn't even know I was on their news.

                "Hey, Isaac, have you heard about that new Autobot?  The one that was on the news?" a teenage boy asked.

                "Yeah!  The light blue one, right?" another teenage boy, Isaac, said. The other one nodded.  "Her name's Static, Casion."

                "I know!  I've been dying to meet her! I mean really.  She's hot and a medic!  If she was human, we could play nurse!"  The two boys laughed.  "Have you heard she's a Prime?"

                "I thought Optimus was the only living Prime."

                "Turns out she is, too.  Some people even say that that's what got her those powers," Casion said.  I stepped in to straighten things out.

                "Hello, boys.  I overheard your conversation about Static Prime.  It would seem you stumbled upon false information," I said.

                "False information?" Casion questioned.

                "Yes.  It just so happens that I know Static personally." I mentally laughed.  "She's had those powers ever since she was created.  She just recently tamed them so that can do what she is able to do with them."

                "Dude, I wish I was born with cool powers," Isaac said excitedly.

                "Yes, well, with great power comes great responsibility.  She doesn't run around blowing things up," I said.

                "Wait a minute," Casion said, deep in thought.  "You said you knew her personally?"

                "Affirmative.  I live on her base."

                "You think I could meet her?" the boy asked with great enthusiasm.

                I shook my head as I thought.  Would it really be best if these boys met my true form?  If it was only for a few moments, I supposed it would be alright.  I sighed.  "I suppose."

                "Awesome!" the teenager cheered.

                "Hey, Casion, I got to go.  My mom needs me to be at her job for her presentation.  I'll catch you later," Isaac said.

                "See ya!" he turned to me.  "When do I get to meet her?"

                "Now.  I can lead you to her, but then I must go.  I have errands I need to run for the base."  He nodded quickly.  I started off and he followed me.  I looked for an alley on my GPS that had two exits.  I quickly found one two blocks away.  Before I walked into it, I turned to face the boy.  "Alright, she's in this alley.  Give me thirty seconds to explain to her and then you can walk in.  Keep in mind, I won't be there.  I'll be off doing my errands."  He nodded and I entered the alley.  I quickly changed into my alt mode and waited the rest of the thirty seconds. 

                He walked in right on time.  "Whoa!  No freaking way!  Can you transform for me?  Pleeeaaase!"

                "I would, however, there is not nearly enough space here.  Perhaps you could get in and I could take you somewhere with a larger amount of space."  The boys excitement levels were extremely high.  He got in the passenger seat.  That is when his pheromone levels went high.

                "I can't believe I'm actually inside of you!"

                "Hmm.  Your pheromone levels suggest you want to mate.  Which human is it?  You aren't around any," I said.  I knew it was about me, but it was still fun to tease the boy.

                His face immediately turned red.  "U-um n-n-no one," he stammered out.

                "You can't lie to me.  I'm a medic.  Your increase in body temperature tells me you are not speaking the truth," I said.  If only his friend Isaac could see him floundering.  I found a large abandoned warehouse and drove inside.  The boy stepped out.  I transformed and he gawked at the sight.  "Are you going to answer truthfully?" I asked.  He waited a while.  Time to have fun.  "I heard you saying something about playing nurse.  It is to my understanding that that means something completely different from the literal phrase."

                He laughed nervously. "It kinda does, yeah."

                "Let me just go ahead and tell you something.  I'm much too old for you.  Did you see the woman earlier?" I asked him.


                "Her name was Stacy.  I would be her age if I were a human."  He looked  as though his dreams were shattered.  Oh well.  There was nothing I could do.  I lightly rubbed his shoulder with a finger.  "Oh, cheer up.  It's not the end of the world.  You can go back to your teenage fantasy land all you want," I laughed.  He looked away and rubbed the back of his neck.  Well dang.  He must do that a lot.  I may be an alien, but this was getting too weird for my liking.  I decided to quickly change subjects.

                "So, wh-"

                -We've got a situation at base.  The twins somehow blew a hole into the roof.- Ratchet

                I facepalmed. 

                -How do you blow a hole in the fragging roof?-Static Prime

                -The answer to that is unknown to me.  I have the situation under control.  The twins are cleaning up the mess right now.  Ironhide is working on fixing the hole.-Ratchet

                -I'm on my way.  I'm going to personally question their sanity.-Static Prime

                -Good luck with that.-Ratchet

                I cut the link and looked down at the boy.  He was looking up at me curiously.

                "Something wrong?" he asked.

                "It would seem a couple of my Autobots have done the impossible.  They put a hole in the ceiling," I sighed.  "I must go and question them on whether or not they are idiots.  Would you like me to drive you back?"

                "Nah, I only live a few blocks from here.  I'll walk.  Will I ever see you again?"

                I looked into his eyes and saw that they were full of pleading.  "Young one, I am a busy Autobot.  My schedule may not allow it.  Nevertheless, I do believe our paths will cross in the future.  How near or far, I know not." I transformed into my alt mode.  "I must now take my leave.  Until next time, young one."  I then drove out of the warehouse. 


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