chapter 22

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Chapter 22

                "Will you two shut your vocal processors!" Ratchet yelled.

                "Ratchet, please.  You need to stay calm.  We will be out of here soon enough," I said.  We had been locked in the medical bay for three hours.

                -What's the status, Optimus?-Static Prime

                -I am headed to give Bumblebee and Samuel permission to enter.  How are things in the med bay?-Optimus Prime

                -Ratchet is heating up due to the twins.  I've been keeping the situation under control.-Static Prime

                -That is good.  You are shaping out to be a wonderful Prime.-Optimus Prime

                -Thank you.  What is going to happen to Bumblebee and Samuel once they are in?-Static Prime

                -I am going to switch them out with Sideswipe and Sunstreaker.  It seems as though Ratchet could use a break.-Optimus Prime

                -It would seem that way.  Optimus, I'm fully functional, you know.  You don't have to keep me locked up in here.-Static Prime

                -I am aware, Static.  It is only for your safety.  The medical bay is probably the safest, most secure location in the  base.  Should the Decepticons find us and attack, you will have a strong line of defenses guarding you.-Optimus Prime

                -I don't need guarding, Optimus.  I'm a Prime as well, you know.  I can handle myself.  Should they attack, they won't be able to touch me.  This is completely unnecessary.-Static Prime

                -You are right.  I forget that you are of the same ranking as me.  You and Jazz may come out.  I'm going to need your help escorting people around the base.  The three of us will be the only ones moving around.  Everyone should be in a room with the door locked.-Optimus Prime

                -Copy that.  See you in a few minutes.-Static Prime

                "Alright, mechs," I said.  "I just got word from Optimus that he needs Jazz and I to help escort people around base.  That means we are out of here.  Sideswipe and Sunstreaker, we're going to take you to Sideswipe's room.  Remember, no one unlocks their door or leaves the room they are in.  If you need to go somewhere, comm one of us and then wait for us to come get you.  Don't unlock the door unless we tell you to.  Otherwise, we will unlock it and take you to where you need to go.  Keep in mind every door will be locked whether there is someone in there or not.  Ratchet, Jolt, will you two be staying in here?"

                "We will," Ratchet said.

                "Alright."  I turned to the other three, "Let's go." 

                I unlocked the med bay and waited for the other three to walk out.  Once they were out, I locked the door back.  We walked down the hall until we got to Sideswipe's room.

                "Remember what I told you," I said.  Sunstreaker and Sideswipe nodded in understanding before they walked in and I locked the door.  Jazz and I began our walk to the communications room where Optimus was.

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