Warning: Really Sad Content

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So I just spent the last 20 minutes or so outside on my porch bawling. It all started with letting my six or seven year old cat, Peaches, inside. I sat down on my kitchen floor and she crawled onto my lap. This wasn't unusual but then my mom said I could give her some milk and this was. We rarely gave milk to our cats for no reason. I think she just wanted to nurse her back to health.

After awhile, she had been able to hold down the milk so we decided to put her outside. I decided to stay out there with her for a few minutes so she wouldn't feel like she was being punished. I sat down with her on my lap in one of the porch chairs. I petted her for a while and looked at her and then I broke down.

Why is probably what your asking so I want you to imagine this: one of your older siblings brings home a kitten. You're four or five, maybe six, and this kitten was probably recently off of its mother's milk. Your sister had it in a cage in the garage so your dad wouldn't get rid of it. One of your moms coworkers offers the name Peaches 'n Cream, because she was peach colored and had a pure white belly. The name stuck, and you grew up with her. She woke you up right before she had her first litter of kittens in the basement. You two had a close relationship and she learned to come at her name. Then, when you were 11, almost 12, she gets skinny, gets goopy eyes, and stops moving around as much. Everyone thinks she is going to die and some of your siblings tease you about it. This isn't the first time you have cried about it, but it was the hardest. Most cats would run away from you if you started shaking and making strange noises, but she didn't. She just laid there and let me cry and and pet her, because I wouldn't stop just because I was upset. During this time my sister and dad came home and I couldn't even answer there questions I was crying so hard. I eventually stopped and came inside after gently setting her down. I came in and my mom told me I had been out there for 20 minutes.

So I guess I changed povs during that bug you get the point. I love her.

News: I go back to school tomorrow and I got my hair trimmed today.

I guess that's it.


August 20, 2014

My Book of EverythingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz