He Finds Out You Cut : CC

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*trigger warning*

You sat in your bed, not being able to sleep. You didn't want to wake up CC, who was peacefully sleeping right beside you, so you decided to go out for a walk hoping to clear your head.

You walked outside and the cold wind blew in your face as droplets of water went in your hair, making you pull your hood up. You walked and walked and walked, until you heard a scream. It wasn't a scream of happiness. You thought you had imagined it so you continued, but stopped when you heard it again.

You slowly turned around, looking for anyone who could be hurt. When no one was there you started to walk back to your house.

You then heard that same voice scream, "LET ME GO!!!"

You started walking in the direction of the cries, away from your house, your safety.

When you came closer, you saw two figures. One was male and the other a little girl, around 8-ish. She was screaming, her hair all wet and tangled on her face which was red from blood, and her yellow dress was all ripped up and had red splatters all over it. It was so close to your nightmares, that you had been having lately, the only difference is that the man was CC and you were the girl (in your other nightmares/dreams).

You just stood behind the corner of the wall, watching. The man slowly put the knife in her skin and slid down, from her forehead to her chin, it was a perfect line. Then he stabbed her right in her heart, then in her lungs, and lastly right in her throat. The girl's skin turned white and lips blue from loss of air. You looked at her closely and realized that it was you, at a younger age. When you looked at the man you no longer saw a stranger, you saw CC with a huge smile covering his face.

As looked at your surroundings you saw your younger sister, the one that died 2 years ago. She was sitting on her bed playing Barbie's. You looked back at the dark ally to find that it was no longer there, it was just your sisters wall. You turned back to your sister, she looked right at you and you smiled.

"Hi, daddy." She said. You were confused until you heard a, "Hello baby girl" right behind you.

You slowly turned around and realized that you were invisible to them.

You dad walked inside and slowly made his way to your 10 year old sister. The age she was when she died from a 'car accident'.

But what you saw next, proved that as a lie.

Your father slowly crept over as he hid a gun behind his back. He pulled it in front of him and shot my sister in the head, blood splattering everywhere. You fell down, your legs too weak to hold you.

When you looked up you saw the whole band (Black Veil Brides...duh!) coming to you, trapping you in a circle. Andy grabbed your wrists and pulled you over to him. You screamed as loud as you could, trying to get someone's attention.

You woke up from CC shaking you yelling at you to wake up.

You groaned and looked at him, "Yes?"

"Are you ok?!?" He asked worriedly.

"I'm fine." You said, even though you are far from it.

"What were you dreaming about?" He said laying back down, pulling you onto his chest.

"Nothing." You mumbled.

"Please tell me." He said, stroking your hair.

"Are you petting me??" You said, trying to change the subject.

"Yes, is there anything wrong with petting my girlfriend?" He said, while smiling.

"Yep, there is." You said back, joking.

"Fine." He pouted before saying, "Then you have to tell me."

"Noooooo." you drew out, hitting him lightly on the chest.

"Fine." He huffed, rolling his eyes.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." You said, getting off of his chest.

"Ok, hurry you're my warmth!" He called after you.

You went into the bathroom, the picture of your sisters face imprinted in your brain. You slowly cut on your left arm.

As you were doing your second one, you looked in the mirror and dropped your razor.

There in the doorway was CC. With the saddest face ever!

He went over to you and cleaned you up and threw away your razor(s) while humming Knives and Pens until he was finished.

"Why do you do it baby girl?" You flinched at the name, because that's what your dad called your sister.

"Family issues, dreams, you know just stuff." You said looking at the ground.

"Ok, thanks for telling me even that much. I really do love you and you can tell me more whenever you'd like." He said kissing her hand.

"I love you too." You whispered, before yawning. "Let's go to bed." You added sleepily.

"Ok, come on." And with that he picked you up and carried you to the bedroom and laid you down on the bed, pulling you in his chest...again.

You had another dream, but this time CC was there to help you and you've been clean since.


If you don't understand it, the bold and italicized is her DREAM (nightmare) none of that actually happened, well other then her sisters death...but anyway, ask any questions or write me any suggestions :)

Love you!!!!!!! (Even though we haven't had our first date yet •0•)


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