You Think He's Cheating : Jinxx

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Your birthday's in a week and to say you're excited is an underestimate. You're going to you boyfriends concert the day of your birthday and you get to spend the whole week after that with Jinxx! The only problem is that he's been secretive the past couple if days and barely spends any time with you any more.

Currently it's midnight and Jinxx still isn't home. You decided to stay up until he's back just incase he hurts himself if he's drunk.

About an hour later, you hear Jinxx's voice say, "That was fun!"

Assuming he's talking to one of the boys you start heading out of your room, but what you heard next stopped you.

"Totally!" The comment wasn't horrible, it was just was a girls voice.

"You promise you won't tell her right?" Jinxx said, not sounding drunk at all.

"Of course! It would ruin everything!" The same cheery voice said.

"Thank you so much!" Jinxx said as you walked slowly onto the bed and crawled your way to your spot. It took everything in you not to cry. How could he do this?!? And right before your birthday!!!

You blocked out the rest of their conversation as you snuggled up into the blanket and started to fall asleep with the horrible thoughts in your head.

~6 days later~

It's been six days of him ignoring you and you crying yourself to sleep. You haven't broke up with him, even if he's cheating, because that would brake you fully, it would split you in two.

As you walked around the house you noticed a note on the table,

Hey Y/N!

I'm out with the boys, I won't be back till late. Love you! xoxo


You took a shower and got back in your pjs. You plopped yourself onto the couch and turned on the T.V.

The latest gossip about famous people was on and you decided to leave it, since you already through the remote and was too lazy to get it.

"Jinxx from Black Veil Brides was seen walking around with a girl, that wasn't his girlfriend, all day! Did he brake up with her? Or is it a secret romance? Stay tuned for more information!"

That's when you broke down crying, you knew he was cheating but it hurt to have it confirmed, and it hurt even more when you looked closely at who it was, your best friend. To add in he lied to you! He wasn't out with the boys! You cried for an hour straight, but then your eyes started to feel heavy. You slowly went to sleep, and dreamed about nothing, perfect.

Jinxx came home and saw you curled up into a ball on the couch asleep. He went to pick you up when he noticed the T.V. was on. He was about to turn it off when his name popped up on the screen. He read the caption and quickly turned off the T.V. and went to you. When he picked you up he saw the red streaks on your checks and your puffy eyes. He carefully climbed up the stairs and laid you on the bed. He put the covers on you and kissed your forehead. He laid down and fell asleep spooning you.

~next day~

You woke up and saw your bedroom wall. You were confused, before you felt the weight of Jinxx's arm on your side. You slipped out of bed, making sure not to wake him and made your way into the bathroom.

As you were putting on your make-up you heard a voice coming from the doorway.

"Mornin' beautiful."

You smiled lightly and nodded you head to him, continuing to do your make-up.

He snaked his arms around your waist and kissed your shoulder gently saying, "Happy Birthday."

"Thanks." You mumbled while finishing your lipgloss.

"I love you." He sang as he left the bathroom, going down the stairs.

You grunted and put your supplies away, going into your room to get dressed.

You walked downstairs to the smell of pancakes and the light sizzle of the batter hitting the pan.

"Smells good." You said as you took 4 pancakes from the plate and walked to the island, leaning over and eating them.

"Thanks and you look amazing!" He said finishing his last pancake.

"Thanks." You mumbled, blushing even though he's said that 158384588437899532 or more times since you started dating.

You guys got ready for the concert and left the house at 10:23 am.

~After the concert~

All of the boys left and you and Jinxx where still on the stage.

"Why do we have to wait again?" You asked, bored of just sitting there doing nothing.

"You'll see." He said, kissing you quickly as he stood up.

He got a text and said, "Ok we can go now."

You got up and followed him to the car.

Once you got home, you got out of the car and started walking up the steps when Jinxx grabbed your hand.

"Let me be a gentleman." He said, walking in front of you and opening the door.

"Thanks." You said, a bit confused, and walked in.

You were about to sit in the couch when people popped out of nowhere and screamed, "Surprise!!!!!"

You fell down on the couch and tried catching your breath.

"You ok?" Your best friend said walking up to you.

"I'm fine." You said avoiding eye contact.

"Shit! Did you see me and Jinxx together?!?" She asked, eyes wide.

"Maybe." You mumbled, playing with your sleeves.

"Oh well that was to set up the party." She said with a sheepish smile.

"Really?" You asked looking up immediately.

"Yeah....." She said.

"THANK YOU!" You screamed, wrapping her in a bear hug.

You had a great time the rest if the night and a huge weight was lifted off of your shoulders. You had the best week of your life with Jinxx and let's just say you had a LOT of fun. ;)


Hey guys!

So idk if the latest gossip about famous people is a real show it is! :P

Thank you for watching! (OMFG! I meant reading! lol I'm just gonna keep it there tho so you know how stupid I am :P)

I love you! (Give me food)


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