You Think He's Cheating : CC

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CC was at band practice so you decided to do the laundry, since you had nothing else to do.

When you walked into the bedroom you rolled your eyes at your boyfriends messiness and started putting all of the clothes into the basket.

When you were close to picking up them all, you noticed a bra under the bed.

You took out the bra and examined it. It was not yours.

You started to get suspicious, you looked under the bed only to find a matching pair of panties. Trying not to come to conclusions too quickly, you put them on the bed and finished picking up the clothes.

About 2 hours later you went back to your room and look at the underwear again.

It looked new, maybe freshly washed, but you didn't remember ever buying anything.

Even though you said you weren't going to guess why the items were under your bed, you couldn't help the thoughts slipping into your head.

Did you buy them and forget?

Are they your sisters?

Your brothers?

Did one of the other guy's girlfriends leave them here?

A friend?

The answer to all of those questions were no, so there was only one more option.

Is he cheating?

That one you can't prove as no, until you ask him.

The second you hear the door open you put the undergarments back where they were.

"Hey, babe." CC said as he walked into your shared bedroom.

When he didn't get an answer, yet he saw you right there and knew you heard, he got a little concerned. "Babe?"

"Oh! You're talking to me?" You asked innocently.

"Uhhh yea. Who else would I be talking to?"

"Oh I don't know." You said standing up, just to bend down and grab the underwear.

"Oh." Is all he says, his cheeks are flaming looking like they could catch fire.

"Oh. That's all you have to say?!?" You said, throwing the underwear on the bed.

"I see you found my present." He said, looking down, seeming embarrassed.

"PRESENT?!?" You screamed.

"Uhhh." He was lost in thought for a second before he said, "Yea, for my birthday I was going to have you wear these."

"Really?" You said rolling your eyes, "That's the best lie you could make."

"No, it's true!" He said, grabbing onto your hand as you started leaving.

"And how are you going to prove that?" You asked, crossing your arms.

CC reached under the bed and pulled out a bag, giving it to you.

You looked inside and there were like 5 different sets of matching bras and panties, then a couple costumes, lastly there were some accessories. When you looked at the tag it said, 'Y/N' in big letters.

"It must have fallen out." You whispered, more to yourself then him.

"I can't believe you thought I cheated!" Now CC was the mad one and you were looking at the floor.

"I'm sorry." You whispered.

"Do you have that little trust in me?!?" He raged, looking for something to punch.

"I'm sorry." You said a little louder, finally looking up.

"I THOUGHT WE BUILT THIS RELATIONSHIP ON TRUST! AND YOU JUST THINK THAT I'LL BRAKE IT!" He screamed, coming close to you with his hand raised.

"I'M SORRY!" You screamed as your entire body shook, tears falling down your face, fear clear in your eyes.

That's when he went up close to you, and was about to punch you when your knees have out and you crumpled to the floor.

You were in a ball, shaking, crying, hands held in front of your face and you kept whimpering over and over, "I'm so sorry."

CC instantly changed moods when he saw you fall down. He looked at his hands and then at you. He was surprised himself that he did that. He kneeled down next go you and carried you to the bed.

"Shhh, it's ok." CC repeated over and over until you stopped crying.

CC was about to brush your hair out of your face but you jumped up out of the bed and walked away from him, thinking he was going to hit you.

"Baby, what's wrong?" CC said, concern laced in his voice.

"Y-yo-ou....h-hi-it." You said hiccuping, pointing at his hand.

"I would never hurt you. Come here." He said, waving you over.

It looked so inviting, but you didn't want him to hurt you, so you shook your head and backed further into the wall.

"I pinkie-promise." He said, holding out his pinkie, with a tiny smile on his face.

You hesitantly walked over, and held out your hand, pinkie raised.

When you came close enough, you stretched out and locked your pinkie with his while saying, "Pinkie-promise."

You sat next to him and looked him in the eye saying, "I'm sorry, will you forgive me?"

"For what?" CC asked, looking at you weirdly.

"For thinking you cheated on me." You said, looking down once more.

"That's nothing compared to what I almost did." CC responded.

"Can we just forget this night ever happened?" You asked, hopeful he'll say yes.

"I think that's a great idea." CC answered smiling at you.

After that night your relationship was stronger then ever before, but your always careful around him, because you're still slightly scared.



Thanks for reading (*^.^*)

And I need something that I can put all of them on, like last time I did His Name In Your Phone, So could y'all help? I would greatly appreciate it! (you will get a shoutout)

And thanks for the ideas you're sending me! I'll do them ASAP

I wove you!!!!!!


P.s. sorry if you don't have a brother or sister :P

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